[10] Heartbreak

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A/N - I think this is the longest chapter so far. There is a lot going on in this chapter, and it may seem pretty cliche but there is still a lot of twists in this story, and I'm really excited about it. Because there is so much going on in this chapter I didn't feel the need to shorten it. Enjoy x

Cristiano was so excited about becoming a father for the first time that whenever he went past a store, or anywhere that sold baby clothes, he had to purchase at least one item. There were just three months left of Ana's pregnancy and the sex of the baby had been determined as a boy. Cristiano was so excited to become a father to a son. Ana had finally gotten used to the idea that somebody was going to be calling her mommy in just three months. She had finally taken her maternity from work, allowing her to rest as much as possible, and meet up wth her friends Clarisse and Antonella, who had become her close friends since the Fifa Ballon d'Or ceremony a few months previously. The baby's nursery was now completed. Cristiano, Marcelo, Casillas and Gareth had all chipped in to get the nursery as perfect as physically possible.

Ana began preparing the fish salad for her beau, who was to return from training shortly. Their plan was to have a date night watching romantic movies, with a huge tub of ice cream and plenty of chocolate, something Cristiano did frequently with Ana during her pregnancy. As Cristiano walked through the door, he threw his bag on the floor and picked his pregnant girlfriend up, kissing her nose gently before rubbing her growing bump.

Date night was going great, until Ana forced Cristiano to pause the movie half way through so she could have a toilet break. Her bladder had become so weak through pregnancy, she just hoped it would get back to normal once baby was born.

As Ana turned around to flush the toilet, she noticed the pan covered in bright red blood, before an agonising cramping pain in her stomach began to paralyse her.

"Cris!" She screamed, as she slumped up against the wall.

Cristiano ran into the bathroom, and immediately grabbed his phone and dialled 112.

Waiting for the ambulance to arrive seemed a lifetime, but after a few short minutes paramedics were soon in their apartment looking Ana over.

The Paramedics advised that she needed to go into hospital for tests, since the bleeding hadn't ceased, and she was still in a lot of pain.

At the hospital Cristiano was racking his brains. He wasn't allowed into the room that Ana was in, and he had no idea what was going on. He had called most of his teammates, but only heard back from Marcelo, who was now pacing the corridor of the hospital with Cristiano.

"Annabelle, I'm sorry but you have suffered a miscarriage." The doctor informed Ana, who was lay down on the bed.

Ana's scream echoed throughout the entire hospital. Cristiano and Marcelo ran straight into the room. Ana was sobbing on the bed.


"I've lost it Cris." She sobbed.

"What? You've lost what?" Cristiano asked. He knew exactly what had happened, he just didn't want to believe it.

Marcelo, with tears rolling down his cheeks, kissed Ana on the cheek, hugged Cristiano and left.

"I've had a miscarriage, the baby is gone."

Cristiano couldn't believe what Ana was saying. Everything was going great. How can the baby be dead?

So many thoughts were going through their minds, but in reality all they wanted was to cry, and that's what they did.

Ana was forced to remain in the hospital for several days and Cristiano never left her side once. He missed a big league game, but to him, right now, Ana was more important than football.

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