[12] Endless Possibilities

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A/N - This is mainly Ana's chapter guys, although Cristiano does make an appearance but he's not in a single scene with Ana in this chapter. It's also another short chapter, sorry. Hope you enjoy, things are getting interesting.

~Four Months Later~

Ana decided to leave her job at the newspaper, to focus on writing her first book. It was a huge step for her but she had saved up enough savings to keep living without a job for the time being at least. She didn't rely on her new found fame as Cristiano Ronaldo's ex-girlfriend for money or stability.

Ana felt like she had finally gotten over Cristiano and their failed relationship, and was in a good place mentally. Cristiano and Ana had remained civil, and tried to hang out at least once a week.

They would have been fooling not only themselves but each other if they had agreed to never speak again. Feelings don't just disappear in the blink of an eye, and they were both adult enough to understand and accept that.

Ana's life had slowly started becoming more solid, and she was happy with her routine of waking up at 11am, drinking coffee until 12pm, then getting straight onto her laptop to continue writing her book. She rarely set foot outside the house, unless it was for groceries, but she was happy with that. She found solace in writing words on her laptop, knowing that at the end of it, it would be a published work that people around the world could read. She was willing to pay the small fee, to get her first official book published, but she had to finish it first.

One thunderous Saturday morning Ana was sat on the sofa, with her laptop on her coffee table, she had written just under 400 words when her cell phone began to ring.

She checked the caller ID, 'Restricted', but she answered anyway...

"Hello?" Ana said, having no idea who was on the other end of the phone.

"Hello Ana." A familiar voice replied.

Ana immediately put the phone down. She wasn't prepared to listen to the crock of shit that was about to pour out of the person on the other end of the phone.

She immediately sent a text to Cristiano for him to call her as soon as he can, and within minutes he called her.

"Ana, is everything okay?" Cristiano asked, with a worried tone in his voice.

"Penelope is back." Ana replied.

"Why?" Cristiano replied.

"I don't know, but she just called me, so watch your back, I don't know what she is planning."

Ana put the phone down, and returned to writing her book. Although she had made amends with Penelope before she moved back to Portugal, Ana knew what she was capable of. Maybe she was back to win Cristiano back. Not that it really mattered to Ana because she was over him. She had moved on.

After a few short days, Ana decided to contact the publishing company . They revealed that they would be happy to publish her book if it met the criteria, and that she would need to send a few chapters to them so they could go through it, should it meet their standards she would have to pay a small fee and then it would be published. They also gave her a deadline for when the book needed to be finished. She had fourteen short weeks to complete the book, and it could not be any shorter than thirty chapters.

She knew she had her work cut out, but writing was the only thing she was good at, and she was ready to become an author. She was about halfway through her book by this point, but she didn't want writers block. What author does? It doesn't matter how good an author you are, or how creative you are, writers block is the worst.

~ Fourteen Weeks Later ~

(Nothing at all occurred between Cristiano and Ana in those fourteen weeks. Apart from a few texts and phone calls in between.)

Ana was finally ready to send her book to the publishing company. Penelope hadn't returned to Spain, she came over for a holiday, spent two days trying to talk Cristiano into going on holiday with her, but when he refused she returned back to Portugal. Cristiano's football career was going from strength to strength, and he rarely found time to see Ana, especially while she was hiding away writing and finishing her book. But things were about to change, for Cristiano and Ana... They just didn't know it yet.

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