[28] Intervention

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A/N - I Hope you guys are enjoying the story, this one is a little mean, but needs must! I enjoyed writing this chapter so much!

Ana and Marcelo waited patiently for Cristiano to return from Cyprus with Georgina. Their plan wasn't sensible, and could end in complete disaster but it had to be done. Marcelo felt like he knew his friend better than anybody and knew this was the only way to make him see sense and make a decision. As the days passed, Ana and Marcelo agreed that Marcelo would set the ball in motion and Ana could be the back-up if required.

The moment Cristiano and Georgina returned from Cyprus, Marcelo was at the airport waiting to collect them. He knew that Georgina had immediate work commitments so he took her to her destination, leaving him and Cristiano alone in the car.

"Nice trip?" Marcelo asked, trying to act as normal as possible.

"Hmm." Cristiano replied, seeming a little quiet.

"You didn't enjoy?"

"It's a cool place."

Cristiano's short responses made Marcelo a little uneasy, and he knew something was on his mind. They drove to a secluded spot and Marcelo parked up. He had to get to the bottom of Cristiano's problems, and begin the intervention.

"Talk to me." Marcelo said, sounding concerned.

"It's nothing."

"Just tell me."

"I really only arranged this vacation so that I could spend time alone with Georgina and see if she was any different with just me and her..." Cris began, looking serious.


"And she is no different. In fact, she's boring, she's not interested in looking around the city, or going in the pool, she wanted to laze around reading her book."


"We don't bond. We don't act like a couple. People thought we were brother and sister, dude, we didn't have sex once."

Marcelo knew there was a lot more to Cristiano than met the eye, and that he wasn't only interested in the sex. His friend missed bonding with another human being, missed feeling wanted and loved, and most of all, missed Ana.

"Well I thought about you a lot while you were away." Marcelo began.

"Look M if you're gay, I'm not interested." Cris giggled.

Marcelo hit Cristiano playfully on the wrist and continued his conversation.

"I know your problem, and I know what to do to make it better. You love Ana, you want Ana, you want Georgina but you don't love her. You don't get a say, you don't get to say no, but you, me, Ana and Georgina are all getting together and then you have to make your choice. If you don't wish to be my friend after, fine, but at least I'll know you made the right decision."

Cristiano thought about what his friend had said, and surprisingly agreed. Step one had been a success, which was a huge shock to Marcelo and Ana, who was being informed by Marcelo via text. Ana was preparing herself for more heartache, knowing that despite what had happened in recent weeks, Cristiano could still end up picking Georgina. And who could blame him? She was the ideal woman, and cared for Junior as though he was her own, a rarity with almost everybody in todays times. Marcelo knew that he had his work cut out for him. Georgina's upcoming work schedule was almost always full, and the only day she was free was Sunday. Marcelo arranged for the nanny to have Junior for a few extra hours on Sunday so that everybody could meet up at Cristiano's and have the big discussion. Marcelo individually messaged Ana, Cristiano and Georgina telling them they all had to be at home at 3PM on Sunday afternoon. Everybody complied.

On Sunday everybody stayed at home and waited for Marcelo to arrive. He arrived right on time. Ana, pretending to know nothing, had to lie to Georgina and say she had no idea what was going on. Once Marcelo had arrived he got straight to business and revealed exactly what was going on.

"I'm going to say something some of you may not like." He began, causing Cristiano and Ana to gulp simultaneously.

"Cristiano is one of my best friends, and recently I started noticing he wasn't happy. I questioned him, and of course he pretended like nothing was wrong, but I knew differently."

"I knew something was wrong." Georgina whispered to Ana, who tried to reassure her by placing her hand on her shoulder.

"I discovered that Cristiano was in love with two women, Ana and Georgina, but of course he didn't want to hurt either of you, but it is getting out of hand so as Cristiano's best friend I have brought us all together so that he can make a decision, he needs to choose who he wants to be with."

Georgina began crying, feeling terrible that Cristiano had been feeling this way and that she didn't quite know what the reason was. After a few short moments, Ana decided to take Georgina out of the room to talk to her, while the men discussed Cristiano's options. Ana couldn't help but feel guilty knowing deep down that she knew everything, but hurting Georgina was not on her agenda.

Cristiano was also racked with guilt but it was now or never, he had to make a life-changing decision, and hurt one of the two women that he loved. After thirty five minutes, Marcelo entered the room and explained that Cristiano had made his decision. He slyly winked at Ana as they made their way into the same room as Cristiano who sat on the sofa with his head in his hands. Cristiano motioned for both of the women to sit down so that he could tell them everything they needed to know.

"Firstly, I want to say sorry. I didn't want to hurt anybody but everything M has said is true. I love both of you, and maybe even in different ways and I thought to save anymore hurt than has already occurred I would agree to Marcelo's idea." His voice shaking with each word. "I have made my decision, and I am completely aware that who I choose may not want to be with me now, and who I don't choose may hate me, but I have to do this for the sake of my sanity."

Everybody sat on the edge of their seats, including Marcelo who already knew what Cristiano was going to say. The tension in the room was almost unbearable, and you could have cut the atmosphere with a knife.

"Ok, so Ana, I love you, you know that, and I always will, I will always have a place for you in my heart, but I have chosen Georgina, I'm sorry."

Ana's stomach began twisting into tight knots at hearing what the man she loved had just said. Cristiano, began to cry, which then led to Marcelo giving him a man hug.

Georgina, sat speechless on the sofa, not uttering a single word, or moving.

Marcelo then pulled Ana to one side so that he could talk to her and exlpain a few things.

"He's in a really bad place mentally about all this loving two women bullshit." He whispered into Ana's ear.

"I bet."

"He chose you, twice, and I pressed and pressed, and the only reason he changed his mind is because he's scared you will go crazy again, that is the only thing making him scared. Give him some time, come and stay with me and Clarisse."

Ana admitted defeat and agreed to go and stay with Marcelo and Clarisse, giving Cristiano the chance to be with the woman he chose.

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