[19] Troubled Times

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A/N - So sorry that it took me longer to get this chapter uploaded, I have worked incredibly hard to make sure that it has been worth the wait. There is the introduction of a new character in this chapter which I am so excited about. This chapter gets quite scary guys so keep reading! Anyway thanks for being so patient :)

Ana and Cristiano were both enjoying being parents to their beautiful son, Junior. Cristiano hated being away from his wife and son, while Ana was thankful for any amount of peace she got. Being a mother and a wife wasn't as easy as Ana had anticipated but she loved Cristiano and Junior more than she could explain. Ana had recently re-joined the Madrid newspaper, giving her time to herself. She was enjoying her freedom at the newspaper, and her ability to write was getting better and better with each article that she wrote.

In the offices at work, Ana noticed a new guy in a corner on his own, trying to figure out how to turn the computer on."You okay there?" She asked the stranger, as she showed him her ID badge."How do I turn this thing on Annabelle?" He asked, taking note of her name.

The new guy was João Gouevia, a Portuguese national who had been transferred to Spain. He was tall, standing at 1.93m, dark and handsome, and had the most mesmerising emerald eyes. As the days went by, Ana and João continued to form a friendship, something which Ana had been craving for so long. João listened to all of Ana's problems, and even gave her advice, but better than anything else, he made Ana feel important, like her feelings mattered, something Cristiano had not been doing in recent months.

After talking everyday at work for two weeks, João asked Ana on a date. Ana was shocked, and a little angry at João, but not wanting to cause a scene at work, she remained calm."João, I'm married." She whispered.João smirked at Ana before proceeding to write his article about the upcoming El Clásico game.

Ana was annoyed at João, but knew what had happened at work that day could not be left. Ana waited behind after everybody else had left, to speak to João alone.

"Hello." João smiled as he noticed Ana waiting.

"João you cannot ask me on a date, you cannot even like me in any other way other than friends, I'm married..."

"But you're not happy." João responded, making Ana even more angry.

"Marriages go through rough times, that's the whole point of taking those vows, because no matter how hard it gets you don't walk away, you stay to fight for it, to make it work."João knew at this point that his words had had an effect on Ana, because of how defensive she was getting.

João was cool, calm and collected, and knew exactly what he had to do to finish this.He quickly moved his head towards Ana's and placed his lips on her. Ana, bewildered, didn't even pull away. For those few moments, Ana felt wanted again, like she was important, like nothing else mattered. Instead of pulling away, and going home to be with her son and husband, Ana wanted more, a kiss wasn't enough and for the next two hours Ana and João and passionate sex in their work office.

Once it was over, Ana was racked with guilt. She headed home hoping Junior and Cristiano would be settled for the night. Half of her hopes were true, Cristiano had settled Junior down for the night, but Cristiano had planned a romantic evening in for two, just to show his appreciation for his wife.Ana walked into their home to see a lavish three course meal, candles and rose petals scattered across the dining table. Soft, mellow music played in the background.

"I hope you're hungry." Cristiano smiled, as he helped Ana sit down on her chair. Ana smiled, trying to cover up. She felt nothing but guilt, and was praying Cristiano didn't want to have sex following their meal.

While Ana was completely consumed with guilt, she and João continued their sexual encounters. Eventually, their sexual relationship moved from their work office, to João's, small apartment in the center of Madrid. Ana, hadn't developed any romantic feelings for João during their affair, but couldn't help feeling wanted, and important during the time she spent with him. Cristiano, had began spending more and more time training with Madrid, and spending time at Marcelo's and Bale's, playing pool, and watching movies. Junior was still Ana and Cristiano's number one priority however, but everybody deserved to feel important in life. Ana's sex life with Cristiano was non-existent, whenever Cristiano tried initiating love-making Ana came up with a new excuse everytime.

Cristiano had a week off work, leaving Ana surrounded by her husband when she wasn't working herself.

"I want to... We need to talk." Cristiano mumbled as he sat down next to his wife on the sofa.

Junior was out with the nanny enabling the husband and wife to have a detailed discussion.

"I'm not really in the mood Cris." Ana replied, not making eye contact with her husband.

"Today, I don't care." Cristiano snapped anger in his tone. "I'm tired of the lack of communication, tired of the lack of sex, tired of everything." He said, his voice getting louder.

"So it's all about the sex then?" Ana replied, getting angry.

"No. We are married, we are meant to get intimate and share those moments together, you don't let me touch you, you don't have sex with me there's excuse after excuse, and I cannot continue living my life this way."Ana knew she had some explaining to do, but she wasn't about to end her marriage by revealing her affair with João. Instead, she made a petty excuse about hating her body, and not feeling sexy, which stupidly Cristiano bought.

Ana loved Cristiano and after their discussion decided to end her fling with João so she could concentrate on improving her marriage and making it work. João was okay with everything, and agreed to not say a word, but there was a sinister side to him that nobody in Spain had yet experienced.

A few short days after Ana ended her fling with João, she began to receive unknown calls at all times of the day. Initially, she had put it down to paparazzi trying to get a hold of her for an interview, but when she picked up her phone at 3am and said hello, João's familiar voice greeted her.

"Hello Annabelle."

"João I'm at home, it's 3am why are you calling me?"

"I'm outside, I need to see you."

Ana at this point had began to feel uneasy. There was no way João could have found out Ana's address.Ana sneaked out of the house and made her way to João's car.

"How did you get my address?" She whispered.

"That's not important, what's important is, you had sex with me and then just pushed me away, like I was nothing."João was begining to sound more and more mentally challenged, which really made Ana feel scared.

Ana stayed in the car with João for ten minutes, explaining that she loved Cristiano and that she was sorry for hurting him and making him feel like they could have someday had a relationship. Eventually, João admitted defeat, but was this the last time Ana would be freaked out by him?

So what do you think about João guys? This is where the story gets interesting, almost to the point where I wanted to know what was going to happen as I wrote it! ha ha enjoy x

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