xi. sign your name on the dotted line. sincerely, death

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I gasped loudly as my finger slide across the edge of my book, blood slowly making it's way to the surface before I had time to even understand what had happened.

"Bloody hell! what happened?" Ron took an easy seat beside me on the bench, the blue glow from he goblet casting a eerie feeling as he grasped my wrist. 

"Paper cut," I rolled my eyes when he shrugged, dropping my hand feeling no need to inspect something so small. He leaned back, resting his elbows on the bench behind us, taking in the Great Hall. It was odd to say the least.

All the tables had been push to the side to make room from the goblet, which was larger than any goblet I had ever had the pleasure of seeing. The protect spell the protected it from underaged students extended the blue glow and made me realize, I had never seen magic like this. I had come so close to death that my brother associated it with me, yet right now as Ron's thigh presses into mine and I gaze longly at the ancient piece I saw how simple magic can feel. A line to protect something, a goblet to put your name in, how simple it could the straight from a children's book.

"You okay?" Ron moved his head to focus on the random point I had zoned out one, doing his best to understand me but failing. 

"Yeah, just think about how stupid all those underage wizards are going to look when they try and cross that line," I shrugged, a thin lipped smile in attempt to save myself from being seen right through, my friends had a habit for doing that. Before my statement could be questioned, a scream echoed off the cobblestone wall, a scream I knew all too well.

"Guys!" Hannah came rushing into the room, a livewire at heart, with Fred and George close behind. I'd assumed Noah and Lee weren't fair behind, as if one went the others followed but I was quickly distracted when Hannah almost threw herself into my lap.

"You've been super off lately so I hope these cheers you up!" Her eyes were a wild blue, the kind you swim in during a hot summer at the public pool; cool and inviting. 

"I haven't been off lately," another lie, something I hate doing.

"Yes you have," Ron shrugged, not fulling focusing on the conversation as we watched Fred and George from a distance. The two looped arms, a goofy smile on their faces and they chugged the vile. Hermione, who had just entered with a book tucked under her chin muttered about how stupid the two were while taking a seat beside Ron. Seconds passed, Fred and George smiled as they took the opportunity to step over the fiery protection line and place their names in the goblet. Cheers erupted from the group, Hannah's screaming about how she knew them when a loud burp took over the room, sending Hannah back into my lap; silence quickly followed.

One second, two second; Fred and George were flying from their places on the floor and landing in the doorway of the Great Hall. When they finally sat up, their once red hair and perfect skin was replaced with gray hair and wrinkles that had the cheers return with much more jokes involved. 

"Told you so," Hermione shrugged, finding shelter in her book. Hannah laughed, grabbing Ron's knee and using it as support. 

"Ron I wish I was a Weasley, I would love to see them make a mess everyday," Hannah clutch her ribs, her cheeks flushed in happiness.

"You basically are a Weasley, and trust me it's not as entertaining when you're at the end of the mess," Ron shrugged, finding humor in Hannah's laugh and joining her. My mood was completely forgotten, thank Merlin. 

Slowly more people tipped their name into the goblet, one's that were of age, such as Cedric. Harry had eventually joined us, the whole family sat around giggling about bets on who is getting picked.

"Why a goblet? Couldn't they pick something normal like a salad bowl?" Hannah gasped.

"They obviously ran out of salad bowls" I smiled sweetly, laughing when Ron gagged.

"I hate all of you."

"You could never," Harry smiled, grabbing his shoulders from behind. I smiled up as Harry shook Ron slightly, his evergreen eyes grabbing mine and sending me a innocent wink.

Suddenly the fire must be picking up because the oxygen in the room doesn't taste the same, it's starting to taste a lot like evergreen, quidditch jerseys, and lighting.

"Did Krum just wink at you?" Hannah gasped, moving from my lap into Hermione's which threw her book down a few seats. Hermione frowned, clearly upset at losing her page. Ron stood up, prepare to grab the book, but quickly without a soul noticing, Victor Krum was holding the book in his palm with a sickly sweet smile plaster across his dark skin.

"Dropped this?" His eyebrows quirked up, Hannah falling from Hermione lap allowing her full access to the man before her.

"I- uhm, yes thank you very much," Hermione shakes finger grabbed the cloth bound book, smiling just as sickly sweet as it was a secret language between the two, and bidding him goodbye. He took his leave, only looking over his shoulder once before heading over to his friends which were patting him on his back. 

"This is the best thing that ever happened to me and it didn't even happen to me!' Hannah stood up, her hands above her head like a child on a rollercoaster. Ron took his seat just as I jumped from mine.

"We have to go to the dorm now and debrief!' I yelped, grabbing both Hermione and Hannah's hand quickly, our entirety bracelets clashed against one another as we skipped like happy school girls from the room, leaving Harry and Ron behind. 

Our giggles echoed the halls, as if death hadn't been on my mind not even thirty minutes before, before another voice join our own. 

"I want one! I'm committed to the craft!" 

The aggravation was clear in the voice, something that I had heard over spilt milk but never with this much dedication. I dropped Hannah and Hermione hand's, looking around the corner as Oden argued with a older blond man.

Mr. Malfoy.

"You're far too young and He knows that," his words were pointed, as if vemon grew from his tongue; it wouldn't shock me.

"I'm thirteen! And you know how much work I did during the World Cup!"

I felt bile rise in my throat at the words, my hands grasping at my throat. My baby brother, the boy I held when we moved from the states because he was going to miss his friends and cleaned his face when he missed toothpaste, was apart of the evil that occurred. He had grown into someone I didn't recognize, a boy who looked up at Mr. Malfoy with silent pleas in his eyes.

So silent I couldn't hear, but I wish I could have tried harder.

don't y'all love it when I randomly come back to write a chapter...

okay I'm actually going to try and do better now I promise

xoxo, abbs

please remember y'all are my favorite people and I'm forever grateful for the love y'all have given me through greyheart. please never stop commenting and never stop reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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