Chapter 1: Recovery

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Somewhere, inside an abandoned building, a sparking sound from a broken lightbulb can be heard throughout the room filled with silence... until it is followed by a grunt from a person who seems to be slowly waking up from his slumber.

Ace: *grunts* ...Ngh...

Ace slowly opens his eyes, only to see a dark ceiling with flickering lights from a broken lightbulb .

Ace: ...Where am I?

He mumbled, wondering why is he here. While Ace is confused, he begins to hear footsteps coming from outside of his room as he turns to see the person entering the room is a member of his team.

???: *gasps* Cpt

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???: *gasps* Cpt. Ace, you're awake!

The person says with a light gasp, relieved that their captain is in good condition and is awake.

Ace: ...Huh? Guard?

Ace tiredly says while holding his head.

Guard: I'm so glad you're alright, captain. How are you feeling right now?

Guard asked his captain, only to receive a moment of silence as a response.

Ace: ...

Guard: ...Captain?

Ace: ...How did we survived? Did you carried me all the way here?

Ace asks the guard operator, confused why are they here of all the sudden... Then, the guard operator answers his question.

Guard: ...No. Someone carried us here to recover. The others are still resting. Thankfully, it seems all of our team members were rescued.

Ace: What? Did we received reinforcements from Rhodes Island?

Guard: To be honest, sir... No, he's not from Rhodes Island. Wait here for a moment, captain. I'm going to bring him here.

The guard operator said as he turns around and leaves the room to call the person who rescued them.

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