Chapter 4: Hero or Vigilante

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"...I'm almost there. I can see the city from a mile away." He muttered to himself while flying straight to the city of Lungmen at rapid speed, like a jet trying to break the sound barrier. He can even feel the strong breeze of the winds rushing through him while using Air Force by repeatedly flicking all of his fingers in both hands to propel himself forward, gaining more speed.

While propelling himself straight to the city, Deku remembered something back then when he was in Chernobog with Ace and his team. He couldn't help but think about it because of how strange it was to him. He never had that kind of power when he was back in his world until he arrived here.

'Now that I've remembered... that "thing" that glowed from the palm of my hands... Sir Ace mentioned that it was like "healing arts" since I managed to heal their wounds and missing limbs at the cost of my own blood, that is... No wonder I feel fatigued after that.'

Deku thought to himself as his mind began to process what happened before, trying to figure it out by himself.

'If I gained a power that could heal wounded people, that would be very useful to me when I'm saving people. I just need to know how I can activate it...' He thought, thinking of a way to awaken this newfound power he attained as his mind recalls a  memory of a certain old lady, whose always treated his wounds whenever he's injured, which is the medical heroine, Recovery Girl. He even remembers of how she uses her Quirk to tend the wounded. 

'...No... I don't think kissing would activate it. I need to think of a way to activate this new power of mine since I'm going to need it once I arrived in the city!' He thought, feeling a little uncomfortable when he thinks about mimicking Recovery Girl's way of using her Quirk as he shudders at the thought of kissing people in order to heal them, especially when it comes to "healing" the same gender, which is quite discomforting...

Suddenly, his Danger Sense starts to act wildly as his head feels like it is short-circuiting, meaning that there are people who are now in grave danger. The pupils of his eyes shrank in a heartbeat behind his mask. His body stiffens as tension rushes throughout his body because of the thought of a scenario of not being able to activate his newfound power in the nick of time when there's someone on the verge of death.

"I need to hurry..." He uttered with his eyes narrowed, gritting his teeth behind the mask as he began to bend his legs in mid-air repeatedly at a quick pace, despite the fact that he's struggling to do it while flying. Even so, Deku kept bending his legs, storing up Fa Jin so he could use it to propel himself straight towards the city.




At Lungmen, a loud explosion occured at the outskirts of the city, erupting dust clouds due to the explosions; While in the slums, Amiya, Doctor, and their companions are being chased down by a group of Reunion soldiers, trying to capture them.

At Lungmen, a loud explosion occured at the outskirts of the city, erupting dust clouds due to the explosions; While in the slums, Amiya, Doctor, and their companions are being chased down by a group of Reunion soldiers, trying to capture them

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