Chapter 5: Onslaught

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Silence filled the room after hearing what Ch'en had asked them. None of them couldn't respond because they don't know what they should say to her. The only thing they could do was look at Ch'en with a confused expression.

"...Huh?" Amiya was the first one to utter a word while frozen stiff with her eyes widened because of what she just heard from Ch'en.

"A torned green mask that resembles a rabbit...?" The Doctor repeated what Ch'en said. His mind tries to think of what to answer to her question as if he's reading every book in a library very quickly just to find what he was looking for.

"To be honest, that's the first time I've heard something like that." Franka was the first to reply with her hand placed on the side of her cheek, leaning on it.

"I'm not quite sure if we have someone like that in Rhodes Island, Madam Ch'en..." The grey-haired woman with blue horns said as she looks down, trying to remember if she ever encountered a person that had an appearance of what Ch'en described.

"Why do you ask of something like that?" Amiya asked, feeling confused by what Ch'en had said. Ch'en just lets out a sigh because the four of them were clueless about what she's saying as she then explained the reason.

"When we were fighting Reunion and preventing them from abducting Misha, their leader planted explosives on each building and detonated them, causing them to collapse so that they could bury us alive after they'd successfully taken Misha from us." Ch'en said, looking away with her eyes narrowed and her hands tightly clenched to a fist. After hearing her response, Amiya's eyes widen as she lets out a gasp and immediately speaks.

"Are you talking about W?!" Amiya asked, thinking if the person she's talking about was the one who abducted Misha.  

"...W?" Ch'en asked with her eyebrow raised due to how strange to hear someone having a single letter being a name or a codename.

"A woman with white hair and red horns. Was she the one that took Misha?" The Doctor explained which makes Ch'en widen her eyes.

"Yes, that's her alright." Ch'en said, pointing out that their guess is correct.

"Since you said that they used explosives to demolish the buildings, how did you guys survived?" Franka asked with her hand on her waist while tilting her head on the opposite side, curious about how they managed to avoid that deadly crisis that seemed to be inevitable. When the grey-haired woman heard this, she just looked at her with a face that express: 'really?'.

"Franka, you're asking the obvious question... Of course, they'd run from it before they could get crushed." She said while staring at her with a plain face.

"I'm just saying, Liskarm." Franka replied with her arms crossed to the grey-haired woman with blue horns, whose name is Liskarm.

"No, you're wrong..." Ch'en uttered while looking down with her eyes narrowed, causing everyone to quickly turn their heads towards her with their eyes widened from what she just said.

"Huh?" Franka and Liskarm said in unison as they both stared at the blue-haired woman.

"We would've died from that incident, if it wasn't for that person." She uttered as the four of them became quiet with their eyes focused directly at her.

"You mean... that green-masked person saved you from that crisis?" Amiya asked with a slight pause. When Ch'en heard her, she looks at her with a serious expression on her face.

"Not just me... All of my men, in mere seconds..." She replied in a serious tone. When they heard this, they can't help but look at Ch'en with a shocked expression.

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