Chapter 2: Rhodes Island

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7:00 AM

Somewhere, outside of Chernobog, the sound of a wind whooshing loudly can be heard, as if a high-speed jet just passed by.
It was Deku who was flying his way to Rhodes Island at high speed while carrying Ace and his teammates with his black tendrils erupting from his hands that acts like a ladder in a helicopter.

Operator #1: W-Woah!!

Operator #2: This is unbelievable!

Operator #3: I feel like I'm about to fall!

Operator #4: J-Just hold tight onto it!

The members from Ace's team yelled while clinging tightly on Deku's black tendrils.

Ace: Are you really sure about this idea you have, Deku?!

Ace shouted, enough for Deku to hear him as he replied back.

Izuku: Yes! This way, we can reach our destination quickly without encountering any hostiles!

Ace: ...

Ace went silent for a moment as he remember what happened recently when they're in an abandoned building.




Guard: Huh?!

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Guard: Huh?!

Ace: What?!

Both of them loudly said in sync as Deku sweatdropped at their reactions.

Izuku: You don't like the idea?

Ace: It's not like that. But... you can fly?! Are you serious?

Izuku: ...I'm not joking, sir Ace.

He calmly replied as he begins to use the Seventh user's Quirk, Float, and make himself levitate up to the ceiling, leaving Ace and the guard operator speechless.

Guard: Wow... he really can fly.

Ace: ...I can't believe it. This feels like I'm dreaming or something.

Izuku: So, do you agree to my idea?

Izuku says while slowly descending to the ground, deactivating the Seventh's quirk.

Ace: ...

Ace: Is this one of his Arts? This kid is something else, but... this is too risky! Using too much Arts could make the crystals in their body get bigger which could cause severe symptoms of Oripathy. Speaking of crystals...

He thought to himself as he begins to speak to him about something that he just realized.

Ace: Deku.

Izuku: Huh?

Ace: Do you have any... crystals growing out of your body? Even a small shard of it?

Izuku: ...Pardon?

"I am Deku" (Arknights x Izuku Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now