Chapter 3: Rhodes Island (part 2)

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Into the cafeteria, Deku opens the door and walks inside as he saw lots of people are inside the cafeteria while chatting with their companions

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Into the cafeteria, Deku opens the door and walks inside as he saw lots of people are inside the cafeteria while chatting with their companions.

Guard: Welcome to the cafeteria, Deku. Right this way, follow me!

He says in a cheerful tone, gesturing Deku to follow him at the serving counter as they grab a tray along with a spoon and fork. Then, one of the chefs at the serving counter greeted them and asked them what will be their order. Guard and Deku greets back politely and chose their own food to eat as they walk away after that to find an empty seat to fill in. Once they've found one, both of them sat down and place their tray of food on the table.

Guard: *sighs* Finally, now it's time for us to eat. Man, I'm starving...

He said, feeling the hunger from his stomach while Deku clasps his hand together before he eats.

Deku: Itadakimasu. (Time to eat)

Deku said as Guard just looks at him in surprise and confusion.

Guard: Hm? Ain't that something a Higashinese would say before they eat?

Deku: Huh? Um... is that a new country?

He asked, feeling a little confused about what Guard just said. He have heard it before when Closure told him the same thing.

Guard: Not really. But I heard a lot of operators from Higashi saying that word before they eat. *munch*

Guard replied while he takes a spoonful of his food and eats it.

Deku: ...I see.

Deku: Is he talking about Japan? Why "Higashi" though? Could it be that the countries in this world are the same as mine but has different names...?

Deku thought to himself, discovering something about this world having a similarity to his own world.

Guard: Uhh... I don't have anything against it! I'm just thinking that if you're a Higashinese since we don't know much about your... origin or something...

Guard says in panic with is hands waving in defense, thinking he said something personal to Deku.

Deku: I... don't know what to answer to that question...

He replied with a slight pause while looking down at his tray of food, hesitating whether he should just tell Guard that he's not from this world or keep silent about it.

Guard: Ah, sorry about that... I think we should just eat. The food is gonna get cold so... let's eat!

He said, trying to avoid the awkwardness by changing the topic as Deku nods in agreement. They continued eating as Deku looks at his food, feeling curious at the new food here in this world. Then, he takes a bite of his food as his eyes widened at the taste.

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