Chapter 6: Deadlocked

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Earlier - During the fight between Deku against Skullshatterer and his army

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Earlier - During the fight between Deku against Skullshatterer and his army...

At a distance, the members of Rhodes Island and their companions stood in awe, their eyes widening as they witnessed the green-masked figure's remarkable display of physical prowess. With each clash against Skullshatterer and his army, the masked individual moved with a fluidity and skill that left them speechless.

Through the lens of the deployed drones' cameras, they watched in amazement as the masked figure effortlessly dispatched their adversaries one by one. The precision and power of each strike were mesmerizing, drawing gasps of astonishment from the onlookers. As the confrontation unfolded, the masked figure turned to face their young leader.

The operators of Rhodes Island stood in stunned silence, their eyes wide with disbelief as they watched the masked figure effortlessly dispatch their enemies.

One of the operators of Rhodes Island gulped audibly, his voice trembling as he spoke. "W-Woah..."

"Unbelievable..." Another murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "He took them all down by himself..."

As sweat dripped from their faces, they exchanged nervous glances, uncertainty weighing heavily on their minds. "H-He's on our side, right...?" One of them asked, her voice tinged with apprehension.

They all shared the same hope, silently praying that the masked person was not their enemy. The consequences of facing such a formidable foe were too dire to contemplate. If they were to become enemies, they knew they would be no match for him, destined to become nothing more than cannon fodder, just like the Reunion soldiers he had fought recently.

Amiya turned to the Doctor, her expression filled with urgency and concern. "Doctor, what should we do? Should we go there and face them?"

The Doctor remained silent for a moment, his eyes fixed on the chaotic scene unfolding before them. He felt a knot form in his stomach as he struggled to find an answer. "I... I don't know." He finally uttered, his voice betraying his uncertainty.

As he spoke, a wave of apprehension washed over him. The masked person's incredible display of power left him feeling helpless and out of his depth. He couldn't shake the nagging doubt: was this masked figure a friend or a foe?

'We don't have any intel about this person who's facing Reunion at this moment. It's too risky to step in, considering the damage done by this person alone... There might be a chance that we're going to face a worst-case scenario... which is fighting him.' The Doctor thought, his eyebrows furrowing with worry. Sweat dripped down his face behind the mask, a silent testament to his inner turmoil.

Amiya's voice brought him back to the present. "But, we came all this way to get back Misha..." She trailed off, her gaze falling to the ground in frustration.

"Yeah. I know," The Doctor replied, his voice heavy with uncertainty. Despite their mission to rescue Misha, the prospect of facing off against the masked figure filled him with a sense of dread. He was torn between his duty to Rhodes Island and the safety of his team, unsure of which path to choose.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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