#1: {seen again}

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~honeys pov~

I walk threw the casino of crocodile a old "friend" and fellow warlord, well used to be fellow warlord I only recently stepped down from my position as the warlord honey red and am now on the search for my brothers and figured I would call in a favour the croc owes me

Finally getting to the hall way I walk threw getting politely yet fearfully greeted by the staff i get to the VIP and see another side has been added saying 'pirates'

The hell? I think tilting my head at the random sign soon shrugging it off and greeting the guards

"Miss red.. we.. umm I'm sorry- we can't let you in.." The guards voice shakes I don't look at them my eyes shadowed over by my hood as I sigh finally looking up making eye contact

"I need to see him.. now" with that the guards visibly shiver as the other one knocks on the door getting a very annoyed sounding crocodile asking what they wanted on the other end making me chuckle

"Miss red says she needs to talk to you.." The guard informs his boss making the room go completely quite for a few seconds then

"Who?" My eyes shoot up at the very familiar voice..

Luffy?! My head in screaming at me to run in and see what the hell my little brother is doing in there untill crocodile finally grants me entry and the doors open all the way revealing my brother as well as a few others in a sea prisme stone cage, Princess vivi sitting on the table and crocodile on his chair with Nico robin next to him

I never thought badly of the poor girl she only joined him for her work and was all together a pretty good person, my eyes slowly shift to the cage my brother holding the bars then his hands being slapped away by a man with a long nose and a women with orange hair i look back down my hair and hood covering my face as I make my way down the stairs standing infront of the man of the hour the princess in the middle of us

"Dear red what can I do for you" without even looking at him I could hear the smirk placed on his lips I had my words picked out before I entered but luffy already being here made me being here useless I knew where he was I didn't need the favour

"I did need that favour." My voice was sturn but soft as my eyes met his only seeming to make his smirk widen

"Wipe that smug look off of your face crocodile i said DID" the smirk did infact leave and it was now my turn to do so I looked over to the cage catching eyes with smoker first which surprised me then luffy who's eyes widened but surprisingly he didn't yell my name or scream in anyway he stayed quite which I was grateful for

"Wow kidnapping a marine that's not aloud for a warlord if my memory serves me correct" looking back at crocodile he had a scowl on his face now

"And I belive it dose.. I mean. I was a warlord longer then you... crocodile" there was a sound of something hitting the ground behind me and I hear multiple voice yelling luffys name but I don't look back

"Why are you here.." crocodiles voice is low and threatening making me slightly chuckle

"Him" I simply say pointing over to the cage right at luffy who I now notice was sitting staring wide eyed at me

"I was after a favour to find my brothers but I guess I've found one" gasps came from every angle even the guards as the red haired girl asked luffy if it was true but he still didn't answer

Crocodile smiles at this and started to laugh making me scowl I guess i probably shouldn't have told him that but I couldn't care less at this point crocodile was pissing me off

"Ohh~ you look angry my dear" crocodiles teasing tone made me clench my fists

"You have way to much luck you snake" I spat my voice laced with annoyance and anger at the older man make him laugh I look back at the cage my eyes connecting with luffys but I couldn't do anything.. I couldn't draw attention to myself just yet I had just stopped being a warlord and had planned in laying low for a while

I sigh looks like that's not gonna happen I think with a small groan before slashing my brother a comforting smile and turning back to crocodile

"Well I'll be off then croc! Maybe I'll see you again!" I wave over enthusiasticly with a big smile on my face turning and heading back to the stairs soon being stopped by a sand wall in my way making my smile drop almost instantly

"Not so fast" he spoke this time he was right behind me his hook resting on my shoulder the point of it just grazing over my neck I look down at it with my eyes keeping my head still as my hand slowly moves up grabbing the hook my mind was only saying one thing

Don't start a fight. Don't start a fight. Don't start a fight. Don't start a fight

"Stay for a bit enjoy the show.. you used to love my little shows" a chuckle escaped his lips half way threw the mocking tone making me twitch

I might just kill him


My baby in a dancer girl outfit😍

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