#17: {Tiger pirates arc}

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Part 4764 words~tigars Pov~(Tw, injury, threats)

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Part 4
764 words
~tigars Pov~
(Tw, injury, threats)

"I'm so excited to see you again.. little red.. you will be mine.. wahahaha"

~nobodys pov~

The strawhats had to stay on the island for four more days because basically nami had said so, she needed some things that could only be found on this island much to everyones dismay, honey hadent left the ship after the encounter she kept an eye in it mainly having chopper or robin to keep her company but today they had decided to go to the village to get some supplies so they didn't have to do a frantic supply run on the last day


an explosion rang through the air making honey jump head snapping in the direction and her heart sinks

The explosion came from where nami said she was going, she had insisted on going alone saying "she'd be fine" more sounds came from the direction this time gunshots and honey looked from there to the ship debating wither to leave

"Honey!! Do you hear that!?" Choppers small voice came in the form of a yell making sigh in relief jumping off the ship as the duo made there way over to her

"That's nere nami is someone stay here!"  Honey yells over her shoulder mentally thanking God for bringing chopper and robin just in time, running behind her caught her attention as she turned seeing supriseingly.. Robin?

~slight timeskip~

Smoke covers the air causing the two girls to cough

"Any sign of nami?!" Honey yells as the ravenette shakes her head deactivating her devil fruit

"She must have got out that's go-" Honey was swiftly cut off by the sound of all to familiar screams

"Nevermind!" She yelled over the sound of the flames hearing a faint chuckle from the girl next to her as they made there way to the centre of all the chaos immediately finding nami on the ground covered in cuts, bruises and dirt with sanji standing over her blocking a attack from hitting her

"Nami!" Honey screamed running over over the two as sanji kicked the attacker away

"HONEY LOVE! ROBIN SWEET!" sanji swooned

"Not the time perv cook" zoro piped up walling past the cook as he yells "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" after him

"What the hell happend?" Honey asked helping nami up who groaned before looking up at honey with sympathetic eyes confusing the older girl

"He asked me where you were. When I refused he attacked Me.." Honeys heart skiped five beats at that information nami had gotten hurt beacuse someone was after.. her it was because of her, honeys jaw clenched

"Ahh! There you are!" There attention turned to a skinny man, the one that had attacked nami and honey immediately recognised him

"Creek" she hissed out standing up and infront of her ginger crewmate protectively

"Ash.." The man clapped back with a smirk as he watched the girls whole body tense at the use of her name..

Zoro looked over to her, he and luffy seemed to be the only ones in the crew that new of her real name that's why they all looked so confused then he said it but he was confused as to way he new

"That's the second time someone's called you that miss red" the ravenette asked looking over to her crewmate who's eyes were shadowed over before she pointed to a pretty beat up nami

"You? You did this?" Honey asked making the man seem almost proud

"Yes i did~ she's not the strongest of the bunch is she? Shes pretty hot though" he commented causing sanji to start yelling at him

"Sanji! Where's luffy? Do you know?" Honey asked eyes still shadowed over as sanji stops yelling and looks at her sighing but before he would answer

"He went after tiger." A certain swordsmen responded getting a glare from the blond this information made honey sigh before smiling slightly

"That idiot.." she trailed off

"HAHAHAHAH! YOU KIDDING?! THAT DUMBASS!" Creek insulted causing the crew to give him a glare for disrespecting there captain

"Nah.. I think your the dumbass" Honey smiled menacingly as creek snapped at her in annoyance

"How's that?!"

"You think you have power in this situation.." Honey said her voice beginning to morph and change into a more raspy lower one causing him to sweat gulping down a breath before composing himself

"I have more then you!" The statement came out more shaky then he had wanted as the brunette laughs a echoed laugh finally looking up making the man freeze

"No, no you don't."


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