filler {luffy interested in a book?!}

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~filler part~

It had been raining for the past few days forcing everyone to mostly stay inside the kitchen, bedroom or under the ship

chopper was steering the ship

Robin was reading a book

Ussop was tinkering with one of his inventions

Sanji was doing the dishes

Honey was sitting on the table braiding namis hair

And nami was reading the newspaper, all this while zoro was stuck outside on watch

"UGH! Oh man!" Luffy groaned before slapping his hand down on the table aggressively screaming


"Shh luffy inside voice" Honey soothed not looking away from namis ginger hair the comment made the boy deflate into the table

"Hey ussop? Do you have anything we can have fun with?" Luffy asked sounding pretty desperate but his voice came out in a whisper in order not to get scolded again

"I got a firework we can shoot off If you'd like?" Ussop offered taking out the small circle shaped firework

"DO I?!" luffy pricked up stars in his eyes at the offer

"Don't even think about it" Honey scolded

"Not a good idea guys there could be hostile enemy ships nearby" nami warned causing ussop to put it away with a "your right" making luffys mouth hang open before he dramatically starts swaying around laying his head back onto the table before noticing what robin was doing leaning over to her

"Hey robin what's that book you've had your nose in all this time?" Luffy asked causing the whole crew to stop what there doing

Nami gasped quickly turning her head to the duo everyone else letting out noices of surprise as they discretely watched the raven haired boy

Luffys instructed in a book?! The whole crew though in unison excluding robin

"What?" Luffy seemed to noices everyone's reaction question what was wrong causing everyone to look away acting like nothing happend in saying

"No it's nothing" order not to disturbed the once in a life time interested the boy had

"It's called the rainbow mist and it's an incredible fascinating read" robin stated moving the book infront of her captin

"It's about the adventures someone had in a part of the sea known for an unusual phenomenon" robin explained probably using to many words for the boy to understand as all he got from it was adventure picking up the book with a grin

"Adventures uh? It sounds pretty cool!" Luffy says excitedly

"I don't belive this!" Nami thinks now ignoring her newspaper and keeping her eye on the boy holding the book

"Wow he must be bored" ussop thought also abandoning what he was currently doing

"Speaking of unusual phenomenon" chopper thought to himself trying to keep focus on steering as sanji just continued doing the dishes observing quietly

"This has to be a dream." Honey thinks keeping her eyes on the ginger hair infront of her, the door opens zoro walking into the kitchen

"So i saw an island" he says causing luffy to quickly forget about the book

"A ISLAND!? HAYOO!!" luffy Mario jumps off his seat leaving the kitchen excitedly after a second Honey, nami and ussop all deflate letting out a noice of sadness since there captin was so close to anything remotely smart, nami falls onto her arms her newspaper falling in her lap, honey gose backwards her head landing on robins shoulder causing the raven haired women to giggle while ussop falls completely backwards now laying half off the crate he was sitting on

"Okay what's wrong with you guys?" Zoro asked observing confused by the whole ordear but ussop and nami simply say


"I new it was to good to be true.." Honey mumbled out after them

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