#37: {a Brother and sisters turmoil}

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Honey had ended up parted from the group as they split in different directions, but unsupisingly zoro had popped up out of nowere joining the girl

"Let's go this way!" Zoro yells as he turns around and running back were they came

"NO YOU IDIOT!" honey screams quickly turning to grab the man's shirt but it stopped when something blasts past her destroying the wall and making her stumble back as zoro skids to a stop

"WHAT THE?!" he shouts as honey regains her footing

"Who knew you'd be so dedicated to someone" his familiar voice pierces through honeys thoughts as he emerged from the shadows the weapon he used to slit the two friends dragging back towards him painfully slow

"Damien.." Honey mutters for only herself to hear

"I'd think you'd just.. Abandon them" Damien sneered glaring at the women before him her expression turning sorrwful and hurt

"Who the hell are you?!" Zoro snaps looking between the two

"Oh? You didn't tell them about me?" Damien laughs as honeys fist clench zoro turning to her with a soft expression as if asking for a explanation

"Zoro. Go" honey states staring at the brunette that looked similar to herself and the swordsmen hesitanted

"Ash" he called out wanting her to look at him, he wanted to see her expression, wanted to see if she was truly okay with him leaving and as she turned to him her eyes told the green haired man everything he needed to know, they were narrowed and determination filled and he nodded

"Don't die" he orders getting a small smile

"Aye aye vice captain" she salutes watching as he rushes away to find another way around before turning to her brother who glares daggers at her

"Damien-" she got no other words in as the large scythe like weapon fly's towards her slamming into her stomach making her go crashing through a door her body bouncing on the ground a few times before stopping, the women twisting her body to land in a crouched position

"I've been told you're good. Let's see" Damien mocks making his way into the room scythe dragging in the chain behind him

"I don't want to fight you" honey says her voice stern yet there was obviously something else there but the man Simply scoffs not saying a thing as he attacks the scythe flying over to the women who jumps up landing on the blade and pushing it to the ground

"This is your last chance Damien!" She calls much louder this time her hesitance slowly fading

"You'd truly fight your own blood?!" Damien snaps

"If you're standing in the way of Robin yes!" Honey shouts out pressing the weapon into the ground as Damien attempts to pull it back his expression turning almost histerical

"Why does she matter?!" He shouts yanking his weapon back successfully out from under honeys foot the women stepping away as it fly's around in the air for a second

"She's nothing! A no good criminal!" Damien yells his voice despite, eyes frenzied

"SHE'S A DEVIL!" He screams his voice breaking and honeys whole body flinches

"NO SHE'S NOT!" she snaps back clenching her fists the shock on her brothers face reeling her back as she takes a shaky breath

"Damien.. Please, come with me" she says getting a wide eyed look as she takes a step forward

"Come with us, luffy will welcome you in with open arms! I'll be the sister you need, I won't leave you again just.. Please.. Don't make me fight you.." Honey pleads the thought of having to fight the man before her broke her heart beyond repair, all the reassures given to sanji only moments prior going out the window

Her hand was outstretched for the brunette before her, a invitation for him to come, and by the way his shoulders fell honey could tell he was considering it, that was untill the scythes blade found it's way into the women's shoulder making her yell in pain

"Luffy this... Luffy that.. I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT PIRATE SCUM!" Damien yells twisting his body and pulling the chain of the scythe swinging it and honey over his shoulder and into a wall

Honeys body slams into the brick the women could hear the cracking as she falls to the ground blood seeping out of the wound on her shoulder as the dreadful reality sunk in.

She'd have to fight him, there was no way out of it.

Shutting her eyes honey took a deep breath standing up and looking to her brother,

he had become a handsome man, though what didn't change is his hair, it's was the same Length and color as before it was probably the only thing she truly recognized, the big childlike eyes we're gone, replaced with thin deadly ones.. Though she supposed that was her fault.

"I don't wanna hear about your dear little brother that you REPLACED ME WITH?!" Damien screams throwing it scythe back to the women who jumps to her feet readying girl impact

The hit causing the wall behind her to crack more but it doesn't crumble - yet - the dust clears enough for Damien to see honey had caught the weapon before it had hit her and his eyes widen

"I didn't replace you.." She trails off her eyes becoming misty with tears

"I could never replace you! I looked for you! I never belived you were truly dead! Not you! not my little brother!" Honey yells shaking her head at the thought as Damien clenches his teeth

"Well you didn't look HARD ENOUGH?!" Damien sneers attempting to rip the weapon from his grip only to be pulled forward as honey Yanks his body flying towards her

"I ask one last time.. Come with us" honey pleads as damien skids to a stop before her but the boy only scowls ripping the weapon from her hand and jumping back

"I'd never go with scum like you" he snaps and honey let's out a shaky sigh before steadying herself mist soon flying around her body as her eyes changed from there heterocromic Normality to bright red

"I'm sorry" what was left of honeys calming voice spoke as it was overtaken by the deep raspiness that accompanied her devil fruit

"I'm not" Damien mocks tightening the grip of the chain in his hands swinging it slighting in preparation

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