#7: {darkness and meetings}

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352 words


~honeys pov~

(TW, Blood, gore, death)
Super short

Pain shoots through my body making me gasp the loud bang almost deafening I look up to see chopper, ussop, vivi and nami looking at me before my legs go weak and i fall forward everything seems to go in slow motion as I fall my breath swallowing by the second before I hit the ground the sound of my gasps and gurgles as blood fills my throay and lungs and all I could think was

shit before everything gose black


I feel myself move as I open my eyes, but it doesn't seem like I even opened them everything is black I'm standing in pitch black moving my hand to my chest i notice the gunshot wound is no longer there as well as the holes in my back confusing me, am I dead? Is this was happens when you die? amillion and one questions shoot threw my mind before

"You are not dead" a low voice snaps me out of my thoughts making me turn around fast scaring the shit out of me and i see a red light slowly getting bigger infornt of me

"I'm not?" I question the words surprising me I wasn't supost to say that out loud..

"No you cannot die as long as i am with you" Confusion is writen all over my face as I tilt my head

"Who are you" I ask the strange glow before it grows more into a dog like creature making me gasp

"I am the akuma akuma fruit"
(demon demon fruit)

My eyes go wide at this before laughing slightingly

"Your my devil fruit? That's impossible" the dog seems to shake its head almost fondly making me even more confused

"You can belive what you like I am just that and i need you to wake up" its low voice sounded soft

"What..?" I take a step closer to the dog as it does the same sitting down infront of me it's twice the size of me making me have to look up noticing the multiple eyes scattered around its face


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"Wake up.. live"

Red And Green (Zoro X Oc) :one piece x oc:Where stories live. Discover now