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In the cold and windy night, a group of people were covered with thick layers of clothes, crowded around a fire.

It was a fire made of various disassembled wooden furniture, and in the dim light of the fire, several table legs could be seen standing upright.

"How can people live in this miserable life? It didn't feel so cold in the past..." A man shrank his neck, and there were countless silk scarves and scarves for women around his neck, and even his head was covered with these colorful flowers. Things circle around a few times.

"...Is the furniture still enough to burn?" A person opposite the man suddenly asked in a low voice, making everyone in the room fall silent.

This is the only room in this teaching building where the glass has not been broken. Now, even people who are usually at odds can only temporarily put aside the big and small problems between each other, hide in this room together, squeeze each other Hugged to the ground by the only fire to keep warm.

Some of their supplies were taken away by the traitor, and almost all the rest were burned. Lacking food, they found out after entering the winter that the biggest difficulty is actually not food, but energy!

After all, although they can't buy food and vegetables as long as they want to buy like before the end of the world, they can find something to eat in cities where there are no living people.

Don't look at the beginning of the end of the world, when many people fled, they didn't forget to go to supermarkets and other places to grab some instant noodles, food and rice to take with them to escape, but how many people can actually take things with them? And there are many convenience stores, large and small, and residents' homes can find a lot of supplies!

If you are brave enough and lucky enough, you can still find a lot of food and drink in the backpacks of zombies wandering on the street and in overturned vehicles. Although it is scattered, for some supernatural beings, as long as they act quickly and boldly, they can gain something.

These people did find some food from the burned-out warehouse after the guy escaped, and even ventured to a nearby residential area to find some food and drink. Of course, they dare not go to farther places with their hands, but these things can still keep them going for a while when they try to save as much as possible.

But there were not many things used as firewood. The tables, chairs and benches in the school were basically burned out before winter—plus the fire set by the traitors before.

Although there are still a lot of furniture in the nearby residential buildings, they can't bring back too many bulky things that are inconvenient to carry every time they go out, so the things they can bring back are really limited. So now, they only dare to light a fire every day, and then a group of people are all tightly surrounded in this room, unwilling to go anywhere, and have no way to stay in other places for a long time.

"It's all that bastard!" The only remaining earth element superhuman man in the team swore hard with his fists.

The fire attribute user from the same team sneered: "Hmph, what's the use of talking about this now? The most important thing is to quickly find some clothes, bedding and wood to come back."

The fire-type power user was furious: "What did I say? Why? Now I even have a few complaints and you have objections?!"

The man continued to sneer: "I didn't say that I have any opinions, but it's hard to say who is who and who is wrong. What you do, you can repay. The most important thing now is how to keep the fire in the base. !"

"It's great that you can start a fire?! What did I do to him back then?! It's my fault if he escaped and set the fire? How dare you say that you didn't follow him to run on him?!"

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