The classmate who's personality is just fake

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Y/n PoV

Usual morning as always. Listening to music while walking to school. Students with the same uniform walking in the same direction. Just as normal as alw-

"He already said he doesn't have the money so leave him fucking alone!"

//oh great... two delinquents, their victim and the so called hero...// I stopped walking and hid behind the corner. The two delinquents were very tall, like two metres or more, while their victim was wearing a middle school uniform. //That's really unfair...// The guy that was protecting the victim wore the same Uniform as I did and had ginger hair.

//Hopefully I won't see this guy ever again//

"Shinononononome, don't play the hero. You'll get punched either way."

"Oh really... then I guess..."

The so called Shinononononome, I don't know if that is really his name, quickly punched both of the guys in the face and kicked them each between their legs. He then took the victim's hand and ran away.

//smart move but he looked like a coward...//

I walked on and passed the two rowdies.

"Hey don't you think she's kinda cute?"

"Yeah I can easily take her"


A bit later I saw the victim and the ginger again infront of the school gates.

"T-thank you for saving me, Shinonome-senpai!"

"You're welcome I guess... Just wanted to kick them where it hurts..."

"From where do you know these two?"

"They often hang around Vivid Street and I always perform there. They tried hitting on two of my friends and a friend of mine and I had to make them leave."

"D-did you got into a F-fight?!"

"Nah we just pretended to be their boyfriends no big deal. Well I kicked one of them in his ass but that's not a fight..."

"Ah alright! I need to go to my school now so bye!"

"Yea bye, say hi to the rest of the soccer team!"

//A cool guy, huh?//

The middle school student walked off and the guy sighed.
I passed him because school begins soon.

"Wow what a hero you are!"

A girl said to him. //That's Shiraishi-san... She always scolds Yuko...//

"Ugh it was the two jerks from last week and I know this dude because I used to help up in his club in middle school."

"Ah did you say to them that your his boyfriend too."

"I'll never help you in situation like these ever again, An!"

"Just kidding, just kidding!"

//So that's his friend. I shouldn't listen to all his conversations that's creepy...//

"Ah N/N-chaaaaan!"


She came up running to me with her bass on her back and hugged me tight.
Yuko Kita is my best friend since middle school even though she's a year older than me and I still call her senpai. She has dark blue hair and lime green eyes. Her hair is braided into two pigtails which reach to her elbows.

"Aah! Kita-senpai! What did I tell you about running in the hallways!", Shiraishi scolded her once again.

"S-sorry Shiraishi-san! I just saw n/n-chan and needed to run up to her!"

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