The senpai who's really interessting

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Y/n PoV

The next day Shinonome greeted me and tried to invite me to the café again. It was all with his Mr. Nice Guy personality. But he got interrupted.

Yu as always ran up to me and got scolded by Shiraishi.

//Geez... why did Shiraishi let that always pass...//

I pulled Yu's sleeve and dragged her to her classroom.

"N/n-chan, did he invite you again actually?" Yu asked.

"You interrupted him and then we walked off..." I answered.

"Good timing, right? My dear N/n-chan is mine only!"

I sighed.

Then a classmate of hers walked in. He carried a box with random stuff but he does seem upset. He had purple hair with two blue streaks.

"Heh? Shirui-kun? Why that long face?"

//Shirui? Sounds like a nickname she gave him...//

"Ah Yuki-kun! Remember when I skipped school after lunchbreak", the guy responded.

//Definitely nickname basis!//


"It was because a girl ran into me while I walked back to class but my new invention for our up comming show got broken...", he explained.

//Wait a girl running into him in lunchbreak break... oh...//

"I also needed to see the doctor because I landed on my hand and it was swollen..."

//please don't let it be me...//

"It was on the stairs leading to the roof..."


"Um I'm sorry... that girl you talked about... was me...", I apologized.

"I figured, l/n y/n-kun from class 1-C."

"How did you? H-how did you know my name?"

He then handed me my wallet.

"You dropped it yesterday. Your name and your class is in it. By the way I'm Kamishiro Rui, calling me Rui or some other way is fine."

"Ah then Rui-senpai it is, you also can call me y/n if you want!"

"I'm the only one calling her n/n-chan, you got it pretty boy?", Yu barged in.

"Got it, maybe I call you...", he leaned close to my ear, "my darling?"

Out of shocked I jumped on Yu's table and began to shake.

"Just kidding, just kidding, I'll call you y/n-kun. You still need to make up though..."

"A-ah yea sorry a-again..."

"It's alright, just meet me on the rooftop at lunchbreak."

"I-i will! But I better get going or I get detention again...", I mumbled the last part to myself.

"Bye Yu-senpai, by Rui-senpai!"

The bell rang for lunchbreak and I was about to go but-

"L/n I-"

"S-sorry someone needs me!"

I actually didn't want to ignore Shinonome but I also don't want Rui to wait so long.


//Am I going to talk to Rui-senpai alone?//

//Well I did with Shinonome yesterday but... what if it happens again...//

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