The day I skipped

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"Hey Y/n! Wake up! It's time for practice!" I heard a younger boy's voice.

I looked over at my phone and saw Kagamine Len kind of like sitting on my phone screen.

"Y'know, Len, if you were a human it would be creepy to just watch a girl sleep..."

"S-sorry! Rin said that she'd get the others if I only get you.."

I got up and smiled at the hologram.

"Yea yea, get out of my phone so I can change my clothes, or do you want to see me-"


He dissapeared and I double checked if he really was gone. I then checked my phone.


I called the school so you don't have to worry about that

Fuyuki already informed me about your skip day

I smiled though I wonder.

How long have you been at Natsu's?

I then looked at the time. 09:30. I switched chats to Akito's.


Hey? Are you sick?

Or did you die because of yesterday?

Was the meeting this bad?

//Should I tell him about the skip day? Probably...//

Nah I'm just skipping

Y'know me and my friends skip like once or twice a month to make a practice day

Roger that I'll make notes and bring you your homework later after school if it's okay

I thought for a moment.
//Akito... at my house... a boy...//

Alright for me, in which class are you rn?

That bastard's


Don't get caught

Of course not ;)

I smiled.

//He's actually pretty genuine...//

Ok, gtg

Bye ^^

Bye :3

That emoji reminded me of someone specific so I checked if a certain purple head had texted me something.

He hadn't and I sighed.

//Weird... he would have texted me he would pick me up... Maybe he went to school early...//

I finally changed my clothes from PJs to my casual clothes and checked the time. 10:07 am.

//How long have I been asleep//

I then played:

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