The group date thingie?

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"N/N-CH-" "WAH!" "-AN" I heard Yuko's voice from behind as I was eating my cereal for breakfast. It startled me so I spilled my milk over the table.
I turned around to see my best friends dressed in their regular clothes ready to go out. They observe me and shook their heads.

"Really? Have you forgotten what day it is today?" Tohru asked with a smirk.

"... Saturday?.... oh Akito..."

"Yep, yep", Makoto replied, "geez why didn't you make yourself a note?"

"And what are you gonna wear?" Tohru asked again.

"...uh... my regular clothes?.." I answered.

Yuko then made a wrong buzzer sound with her mouth and flicked my forehead.


"Wear that new dress your sister gifted you! It's average but not too average and also it's really cute!"

"Um... yeah... okay but why?", I asked them, "it's just a hangout with friends... nothing special."

"Well if you say so. The original thought was to only invite you and not us... so he wanted to ask you out in the first place...", Yuko explained, "he wants a date with you! My little N/n's gonna grow up..."

"Hah! As if! Have you seen his other side? He only invited me because it's the right thing to do", I said as I stood up and walked to my room with my friends following me, "He only cares for his image in school. Though.... I kinda cracked this side..."

"Oooh you'll get an extra scene with him!", Makoto swooned while I put the dress on, "Even though Akito is probably the main love interest route I still wanna see the other routes."

"Hiro, you can't... nevermind..", Tohru began but broke off, "anyway do a spin with the dress!"



I did as I was told.

"You look beautiful!", Yuko complimented, "Tohru-chan do her hair! Makkun get matching shoes! I'll do the make-up!"

"Got it boss!" They said as Makoto went away to fetch some shoes.

"Is that really necessary?"

"Of course, now give us your most charming smile...", Tohru caressed my hair as I sighed.

We stood in front of a café called Weekend Garage and waited for the others.

//Shiraishi mentioned this is where she works for her father. I really like this graffiti around here...//

"Ah L/n-san! Kita-senpai!", we heard Shiraishi's voice and turned to her.

"Hello Shiraishi!", I greeted her. Beside her stood a girl with dirt blonde hair tied into two pigtails.

//I have a feeling I've seen her before...//

"Azusawa-chan? I'm surprised to see you here", Makoto gasped.


"Oh Azusawa from Miya?! You cut your hair and changed to contacts?", I asked.

She nodded with a smile. "I got into street music recently so I thought an image change wouldn't hurt", she explained.

//So like Toya...//

"So you wanna go in? Akito and Toya are still on their way", Shiraishi suggested.

"You guys work in a maid café! That's a rather interesting choice", Azusawa said when we got each our preffered drink.

"Well, the customers give extra tipping and we charge for every photo they make of us...", Yuko explained taking a sip, "though most of them are creepy guys, right Tohru-chan?..." She looked at her co-worker who just nodded.

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