The childhood friend I wanted to leave

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GROUPCHAT: Student Council

All members of the student council, all the class representives and club leaders will meet right after school in the usual room on floor 2. Isara already informed the club leaders.

//Great I need to go there today... As the secretary I of course knew that will be a meeting but today? Oh and I probably have to make some hand-outs... Urgh why did I agree on this...//


Got to go to another meeting with the student council

Tohru: Good luck my girl

Yuko: Still sick btw

I huffed and grabbed some money to buy me some snacks at school because I need to be earlier there to prepare the meeting with the student council.

Before I left I sent a message to...


Have to go to school earlier today. We can meet in lunchbreak :)

When I changed shoes I realized my sister's shoes weren't there.

//She probably slept at Natsu's............. They probably did more than sleep//


"Goood moooooooorning, boy-hater!" I heard an annoying voice as soon as I arrived at the student council office.
It was Amaya Ayasaki, the vice student council president. She's a third year and the one who had invited me to join the student council. Probably because she knows that I was the one that sneezed at the speak of the principal.

"Oh Aya don't be mean to her. She's doing the best she can..." A soft voice spoke.
Nikko Sakurai, the student council president, smiled at me. He's also a third year but waaaaay nicer than Ayasaki. But he always gives me the dirty work that no one wants to do like copying hand-outs, giving people sheets that they haven't done etcetera, etcetera.

Ah yeah he was smiling at me but I looked the other way. I do it everytime since I've heard once that his smile is blinding like the sun. I also have just exchanged so like 15 sentences or less with him since I got here to school because I've heard that there were crazy fans.

Suddenly I felt an arm around my neck and shrieked.

"Well, well you know our dear l/n afraid of even the nicest guys around" I looked behind me to see Miko Isara so I rushed up to the window to avoid him. He's also a very popular (and narcisstic) guy in school with only being a second year and the treasure keeper for the council.

"See, Sakunii! A boy-hater!", Ayasaki said.

"I-I'm not afraid of b-boys... Just give me a task already, Sakurai-senpai!"

I looked at the older guy who was just grinning at me innocently. He then looked at a pile of papers on the desk.

"Just staple these papers together", he handed me the the pile and a staple gun, "Only 7 pieces for each, got it?"

//He's meeeaaaan....//

I began to staple while Isara scribbles something on the paper. He looked furious while doing it. Ayasaki is at the PC checking something while Sakurai is reading through the papers.

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