The Duel

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New Chapter! Hope you like it! -anikinandpadme

So we are in the scene where Anakin is battling Dooku, but instead of Obi-Wan battling with Anakin it's Ashoka. I personally think that with Ashoka there it might have changed the outcome of this battle and maybe even the whole movie. Ashoka has a common understanding of what Anakin is going through better than Obi-Wan. But I'll stop rambling on, so here it is.

Anakin and Ashoka furiously battled Dooku. "Surrender Dooku", shouted Anakin. "Never!" Dooku lunged at Anakin who was too slow and Dooku's lightsaber plunged into his side. "No!", screamed Ashoka and she attacked Dooku. Suddenly another lightsaber ignited and Obi-Wan disarmed Dooku and put him in handcuffs. Ashoka ran over to Anakin who was struggling to get up, "Master!" "I'm fine Snips and remember it's Anakin." Anakin got up and with Ashoka's help limped over to where Obi-Wan and the Chancellor were standing. "Anakin we need to get you to a hospital as soon as possible", said Obi-Wan. Anakin grimaced, "Well a lightsaber plunged into your side isn't as bad as the throat." "Your injury certainly hasn't hurt your sense of humor and sarcasm", Obi-Wan said rolling his eyes. "Now come on, we need to get going." Obi-Wan led the way with the Chancellor and Anakin and Ashoka following behind. Obi-Wan pushed Dooku ahead of him and they soon reached the ship. Obi-Wan fired the ship up and flew them out of the burning ship. "Courascant here we come", said Obi-Wan flying towards the planet. They landed and got out. By this time Anakin was in a lot of pain and he could hardly walk. "We need a stretcher stat!", yelled Obi-Wan. Med-clones came and put him on a stretcher and carried him off. "Ashoka I'll take Dooku to the temple and you can unpack our stuff." Ashoka nodded and hurried off to unload the ship. After she had finished the job she went to the hospital to see Anakin. 

Anakin woke up to the familiar bright lights of the hospital room and he groaned, how could he let himself be stabbed? A gentle hand squeezed his hand and he looked over at Padme who was leaning over him. "Ani how are you feeling?" "The usual. You know I should get a discount for visiting the hospital so many times." Padme shook her head and smiled, "That's only funny because your alive." Anakin looked at Padme closely, something was wrong. "Padme is something wrong? You seem edgy." Padme looked down and took a deep breath, "Ani, I'm pregnant." Anakin reeled, "That's great, how long?" "5 months, what are we going to do?" "We're not going to worry about it right now, this is a happy moment, one of the happiest moments of our life." He reached over and pulled Padme down into a kiss. Of course Ashoka walked in at that moment, "Anakin how are you..." she stopped after seeing them kissing. They quickly stopped and looked over, "Ashoka, did Obi-Wan take Dooku to the Temple?" "Yes. I came over to check up on you, but I see you already have company." "No stay Ashoka, we have something to tell you", Padme said. She looked over at Anakin who nodded his head. "Ashoka I'm pregnant." Ashoka stared and her mouth opened to say something, but nothing came out. Finally she managed to say, "What if the council finds out?" Anakin sighed, "We're still trying to work it out." "I'm so glad for both of you!", Ashoka went over to Padme and gave her a hug. They sat and talked late into the night about the baby and joked and laughed together, just like good friends should. 

The next few days Anakin recovered and was able to return to his normal duties. One day he and Ashoka were at the Senate building hearing the Chancellor make an important speech. "Fellow friends and Senators, I have a very important announcement to make. I have decided that slavery should be allowed in Courascant." A murmur went through the building, slavery here? "I believe that it will make us stronger", continued Palpatine. "That is all, thank you." Anakin was furious, how could allow slavery here in Courascant. He set out to find Padme who was talking to some other Senators. "Excuse me, but Senator Amidala may we talk in private?" "Of course General Skywalker. We can talk in my office." They walked to Padme's office and shut the door behind them. "Padme how could the Senate allow this!?" "We had no say, the Chancellor has too much power and he made it so he could make rules without the Senate's approval." "Couldn't you do something?" "Unfortunately no. I know how you feel Anakin and..." "No you don't, no one does." Anakin angrily walked out and out of the Senate building. Padme watched him, she had tried stopping it, but she had failed. She touched her stomach and smiled a little, maybe this little one could somehow change the world for the better. 

Padme was on the couch that night reading when she heard the door open and close. Anakin walked in and sat next to her, not saying a word. They both sat silently, Padme reading and Anakin staring off into the distance. Anakin got up and came back with a glass of water. He downed it and a few minutes later he yelled and threw it against the wall. He then put his head in his hands and Padme wrapped her arms around his waist and held him close. "Ani, I know this decision is very personal to you, I'll try to do my best to change it." Anakin sighed, "Thanks Padme, I know you're trying your best." He stood up, "I'm going to go talk to the Chancellor and maybe I can change his mind." Padme squeezed his hand, "Be careful Ani, I love you." "Love you too Padme." Anakin bent down and kissed her gently. He then put on his cloak, got into his speeder and headed to the Chancellor's office.

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