Part 2: The Art of Jealousy

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-You didn't sleep well at all, you drag yourself off the couch to make some coffee. You take a mug up to Billy. 

Y/n: *you knock on your door* Billy, i made you some coffee.

Billy: I am so embarrassed, I'm so sorry y/n. You didn't deserve me showing up here. I don't even remember driving here. 

Y/n: Well, I think I have some clothes from my dad, from a while back. My mom hasn't gotten rid of them yet. Here's a pair of jeans, a plain white tee and you have your jacket. 

Billy: *grabs your hand* I'm incredibly sorry

Y/n: *your turn to meet his eyes* Billy, if you hadn't come here, you would probably be dead on the side of the road. Don't worry about it. Just next time knock, I was in the shower. 

Billy* chuckles* 

Y/n: You can take a shower but i warn you there isn't any manly product in there, maybe a bar of soap. but everything smells like flowers. 

Billy: Thank you y/n...

-You smile as he walks out of the room. You look around your room to find something to wear to school. you see the bracelet on your vanity that Nancy had gotten you. Then you finally get dresses-


Billy: Do you want a ride to school? *he grabs the keys from the island*

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Billy: Do you want a ride to school? *he grabs the keys from the island*

Y/n: I probably shouldn't, 

Billy: What are you afraid someones going to see? *he smiles* I was planning on that.

Y/n: *you laugh* Well i guess one ride won't hurt anything, let me get my bag.

Billy: There ya go. *he leaves to start the car*

-you grab your books and your bag and join him.-

Billy: Did i do anything stupid last night?

Y/n: What do you mean?

Billy: I didn't say anything stupid, or like try to pull anything. *he rubs the back of his neck nervously*

-you think back to his drunken words, Billy Hargrove's way of saying  "I love you". You felt like you should tell him but instantly change your mind.  they were drunken words he didnt even remember. 

Y/n: No, you kinda said sorry rambled on abt a couple things, Unimportant things. And fell asleep.

Billy: Well, good. Im glad i didnt say anything embarrasing or weird. Im really sorry again y/n. 

Y/n: your seriously fine Billy, just next time not so much to drink. 

Billy: When i party i party hard. * he laughs which makes you laugh*

-When you pull into school you see Dustin and Lucas with a girl. You get out and walk up to them.- 

Dustin: Hey y/n, and guy?

Y/n: hey Dustin and girl?

Billy: Max? What are you doing with these kids? 

Max: They are my...friends. You don't have to control my life Billy, God! 

Billy: hey, kids listen *he looks over to you* neverminded i got to go. 

Y/n: I better go to, Bye Dustin. *you try to catch up with Billy* Billy wait up! What was that?

Billy: Listen y/n, I need to go, just stay out of my business when it comes to my family. Okay? Thanks for everything. Really.

-with that Billy walks off leaving you in the parking lot of Hawkins High-

~Billy's Pov~

-I felt bad for blowing off y/n like that, but I was infuriated with Max. Honestly I didn't even know why the kid didn't do anything. I decide I can blow off some steam in a game of basketball. My first hour was free, I make my way to Hawkins High Gym. 

When I arrive I see Steve Harrington in the Middle of the court shooting hoops. He was the rich popular kid. Y/n's best friend, Nancy Wheeler's boyfriends, and everything i wished i could be.  Which is totally cliché but it was true. If i were Steve Harrington, y.n might actually want me. I was jealous of the guy, which caused a boiling hatred for him. 

Billy: Lets get a game in hmm? 1v1? 

Steve: Billy? Seriously? 

Billy: What you scared your gonna loose? 

Steve: Hell no, just surprised you bother playing. It doesn't seem like you'

Billy: Seriously Harrington you gonna quit being a girl or play?

-He throws the ball, before i know I'm kicking his ass at the game. I taunt him a little bit to get him really pissed.-

Billy: Hear you used to be the king of this school...

-he just looks at me, anger burning in his eyes. 

Billy: Then you turned Bitch *I smiles sadistically at him*

Steve: Listen, how about you just up and play that game. *he throws the ball towards me*

Billy: Whoo!*you chuckle* Whoo! that's what I'm talking about!


Billy? looks like your girls calling, so back off mine. * i throw the ball at him and walk off*

- i go to get a drink, I turn to see Steve and  Nancy Wheeler walk out together. I sigh, i wish i wasn't so stupid.-

-other people come in to join the game, before i know it my team is killing theirs. totally kicking their asses. Then Steve comes back, he seems anxious, like he might break. right here right now.-

Billy: Lets take a break i need some air!

-I walk outside. Y/n is stomping her way over to the gym doors.

Billy: Y/n?

Y/n: You listen her you jealous fuck! I'm not someone you can just push away! I don't give two shit about what happened. I just wanted to trying to help your ass! But all you are is a jealous Asshole, your jealous of anyone you meet, Steve, your sister, hell even your sister's friends! Don't even try to protest it was all over your damn face! Don't sit there and blow me off after i help make your life easier! I'm trying to help you, blow me off again and you're going to loose the best friend you could ever have got it?

Billy: I..Uh...yes ma'am...

Y/n: Good, i needed to get that off my chest. 

-in that moment i realized y/n was more than just a random girl. She cared for me, in this moment i was more in love with y/n than I realized I was.

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