Chapter 9 The Gate Part 1: Reunited

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Mike was the first to run and hug Eleven, i was the second. I wrapped my arms around the familiar warmth of the child. I smiled as tears rolled down my cheek. Eleven looked around and looked at Mike. 

"365 days...."

"I heard...."

"Why did you never say anything?"

"I wouldn't let her.." we all looked at Hopper. His face shifted from joyful to solemn. Mike went from happy to instant anger. Yelling at hopper, what hopper did wasn't right. I understood though, had she been known she was still alive she would have been in danger. 

Mike yelled in frustration as Hopper too the blunt, he seemed prepared for this. I looked at El who seemed fine, she was dressed interesting to say the least. dark around her eyes, hair oiled up and slicked back, her cloths depicted something you would see a member of a Rock band on MTV wear.

I turned around, the rest of the kids reunited with Eleven. I watched them i felt a hand touch my lower back, turning i expected Steve or Jonathan. To my surprise Nancy was behind me, i looked at her, i was a little bit taller than her. I looker at her features her brown hair and freckles that gave her face expression. a year ago I would have crumbled to the floor by her touch. 

"this is exciting right? she's back!" Nancy looks at me and smiles.

"yes, the group is back together." I look at her her eyes have worry in them, fear.

"so you and Steve?" I look at her. 

"it's not what you think." I think about the relationship Steve and I have with one another. We had a strong bond, we were brought together by Nancy and stayed friends because of the kids. They needed us, i didnt share romantic interest with him, i couldn't, "we're just friends, he still likes you." 

"oh...y/n can i tell you something?" She looks at me. 

" of course anything nance." 

"I like Jonathan..." I look at her blankly, "i think i always have, since last winter. i just liked Steve more, btu after spending so much time with Jonathan. these feelings have strengthened. we kissed."

 the news didn't shock me as much as it should have. lets be real everyone liked Nancy, something about her made you want to be around her more, and Jonathan grew up five feet apart from her and she never noticed him. 

"Well...I'm happy for you." She smiled and looked at me, around her neck is a necklace that resembled mine.  I wanted to wrap my arms around her, she looked beautiful. I looked down and back up, "Why did you feel the need to tell me about you and Johnny?'

She stared in a agonizing way, "You're my friend i guess, i felt the need to tell you. You're practically Jonathan's sister?"

I chuckled, i looked up too see Steve ushering us around the table. I stood up quickly and took my place next to him. 

"Youve opended this gat before haven't you?" Joyce asked leaning across the table.

"Yes.."I look at Eleven a year ago she was this little girl with no hair scared to speak. she was so confident now. 

"Do you think if we got you back there, that you could close it?" 

We all looked around, scared. I felt Steve rest his hand on my shoulder.

Hopper is pacing around, " Its not like it was before. its grown." i looks at Joyce and El, " A lot And I mean that's considering we get in there. The place is crawling with those dogs."

"Demo-dogs" Hopper looks at Dustin with a quizzical look.

I'm Sorry what?"


"Half Demogorgon..."

"Half dog." Steve Finishes. We all three look at each other and smile. 

"It sounds pretty badass when you...'

"Is that really important right now?"

We all look down, "No its not..."

He turns back to El, "i can do it." 

"Are oyu even listening to me?" 

"Even is you can do it... There's another problem."

Everyone looks at me, "If the brain dies the body dies. "

"But i thought that was the whole point." Lucas says. 

"If El were to closet the gate, is would kill Will."


First part of the last chapter!! Thank you guys for reading and supporting the time its taken me to finish this. I love you guys!!!!

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