Part 3: Eleven

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There is growling all around us, and we can hear it outside. We hold up our weapons, those of us who have them. Steve is in front of the kids.

"Everyone  be  quiet..." Hopper says, moving towards the door. I can hear the silence everyone's hearts beating. I look to Steve a single tear running down my face. I was scared, terrified.

There's growling it intensifies, then stops. Everything is quiet. We all look to hopper for instructions. He just holds up a single finger, shushing us.

Then rustling in the bushes as glass is shattered, I turn to shelter the kids as Steve shelters me. We feel the particles of shards fall onto us. The loud thud hits the floor. We all stand up.
In front of us is a demodog thrown in from outside the front room window. I turn to check on the kids. They all brush us off. I look to Steve hsi bands a cut up a bit as are mine.
I looked to everyone else, Jonathan had sheltered Nancy, and the hopper had stepped back to Joyce and Will. Just then, the door is slammed open.
No one is there, Hopper is the first to exit the house, and we all shuffle to the door to further see what is happening. 
Ae hear footsteps just then in the doorway is hopper and a not so little girl. I see the familiar girl, who looks like she doesn't belong here and rather so rock band. Mike is the first to run up to her.
"ELEVEN!!" Everyone Huddles around the girl showering her in love.

"We missed you so so so much !" I kiss her cheek, "where have you been, we thought we had lost you!"

Short chap, but trust we are finishing it all up, and you can watch me take another 2 years to finish season 3 !!

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