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Minji's POV

I have no idea what the fuck is going on with Haerin. The past two days she has been acting so weird. She barely is talking which means she isn't talking because she barely talks to begin with. She stays in her room all day besides when she is at work, and she has been coming home later than usual. So that's why I am here in the living room at midnight waiting for her to return from 'work'. I feel like one of the wives who is waiting for their husband who is out cheating on them. Except we're not married, and she isn't a man. The door creaking open took me out of my weird thoughts and I marched my way right to the door where Haerin stood.

"Where have you been?" Haerin jumped and turned in my direction looking extremely startled. I would have laughed at her expression, but I'm too worried and confused for that.

"Why did you scare me like that?" she put her hand over her heart trying to calm down. She was close enough to where I could smell her breath which was wreaking alcohol. Has she been drinking?

"It's midnight. Where have you been?" Haerin just rolled her eyes dropping her bag at the front door and began walking to the stairs.

"What are you? My mom?" What the hell? I took a step back, flabbergasted by her question. Is it a crime to be worried? I watched as she continued up the stairs hearing a door, presumably the room she is staying in slam. Literally what the fuck? I ran up the stairs whipping her door open to find it empty. I walked over to the en suite bathroom and she was laying on the floor.

"Haerin?" I kneel down next to the girl who groaned when I touched her forehead. "Have you been drinking?" Haerin opened her closed eyes a little bit looking at me with a scowl.

"So what if I have. It's not like you've never drank before." I lay next to her on the bathroom floor just looking at her as she closed her eyes again. What happened to her to make her act like this?

"I'm just worried. I want you to be okay." I saw tears falling from her eyes even though they were still closed causing my heart to break. "Baby what's wrong?" I whipped the tears from her cheeks as they continued to fall.

"Niki found out I was here and has been texting me. Leeseo also has been texting me. My father, I have learned has had people following me around town and to work to keep an eye on me." holy shit. What in the world? The younger one sits up so I sit up with her.

"What can I do to help?" Haerin's tears stop as she laughs. She is being so crazy right now.

"Don't you understand? I'm never escaping them. No matter what I do. No matter where I go they'll always bother me." I felt bad for her. I don't know how to help her either. I feel utterly useless and I hate this feeling. She is going through so much and all I can do is sit in front of her looking stupid. Haerin tries to get up, but she tumbles back down to the tiled floor.

"Let me help you." I got up trying to help the drunk girl stand, but she wasn't having it.

"Why are you so nice to me? All I ever do is hurt you." I sigh, picking up the girl completely carrying her to the bed, laying her gently on it.

"I love you. I don't know what else to say." I take off her shoes, tossing them to the side as she stares off into the abyss clearly not hearing what I was telling her. Where is she getting alcohol from? I wish she would tell me when she is going through stuff before it's too late. I hate seeing her like this. I sit on the bed looking at her. She has grown up so much over the past few years, maybe a little too much. She has had such a hard life that she had no one to talk to about for such a long time. I can't imagine going through what she is. "You should get some sleep so we can talk in the morning." I don't want to change Haerin out of her clothes into her pajamas because she seems really out of it and I don't want to do anything she may be uncomfortable with.

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