thirty three

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Haerin's POV

"Do you remember what happened to you Saturday night?" I was sitting in the room next to a man in a brown suit with a file in front of him. Across from us were two police officers asking me questions.


"Start from the beginning and explain what happened." The bigger of the two men urged me to speak, placing the recording device in the middle of the table. I looked to my left and the man in the brown suit, who was the Kim's family lawyer, nodded his head at me.

"Niki and Leeseo had been urging me all week to attend his party. Niki wanted me to come so we could talk. Once I got there Leeseo gave me drinks and we danced. Then I went to find Niki and that's when everything happened." The smaller of the two men was writing stuff down in his notebook. I've already answered this question twice. I don't understand why they keep asking me the same question.

"We understand that, but what led to them doing this to you? Do you have any suspicions on why they would have done this?" The bigger one edged me on. I felt my leg under the table begin shaking and my mouth become bone dry. I don't want to be here right now. I want to be in my bed alone.

"I don't know. I already told you." I felt my heart rate increase after the smaller set down his pen looking frustrated. "I thought we were friends."

"You said Miss. Lee took photos of you on her phone?" The bigger one pushed the microphone even closer.

"Yes she took several while he was...." My body twitched before I could finish my sentence. I used to have extremely bad anxiety when I was younger and it was one of the symptoms of it. It occasionally comes back, but the last two days it has been nonstop.

"We didn't find those photos on her phone, but we sent it off to get further inspected." I just nod, saying nothing else.

"We just don't understand how Niki and Leeseo came up with this together. What would make them want to do this to you?" The smaller one asks.

"Why does it fucking matter? I want to leave!" I screamed standing up from the chair. Mr. Hong, the lawyer, stood up as well.

"I think we should take a break." The two officers just sighed and turned off the recorder.

"We have barely even started. She has already tried to leave three times."

"She has been through a lot, just give her a little break and we'll be back." Mr. Hong guided me out of the small room and onto a couch that was just outside of it.

"I want to go." He just sighed and stood in front of me with his hands on his hip.

"Why aren't you telling them about the contract between your father and Niki's?" I'm not telling them about that. There is no point in bringing my father into this; it would only make matters worse. The point is to get Niki and Leeseo as far away from me as possible and if they ended up locked up then so be it, but I would settle for a restraining order.

"That has nothing to do with what they did to me. I just want them to confess and admit what they did and then we can move on." The older man just started ruffling his hair, clearly frustrated.

"I can't help you if you don't help yourself, Haerin. Look, we have witnesses saying they saw Niki assaulting you and we have evidence that Leeseo was at that party so they are going down no matter what. However, what your father is doing to you needs to be brought up in court so the jury will be more likely to find Niki guilty. If they have proof of an incentive then it would be better. Niki comes from a rich family and they will be able to bail him out with no problem unless we bring up the contract." I sigh, leaning back into the couch closing my eyes. Why can't everyone just drop this and leave me alone.

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