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Haerin's POV

It's been two weeks since Minji and I called off any sense of relationship we had. She barely comes to our tutoring sessions anymore and when she does she doesn't talk about anything but math. I've been hanging out with Niki a lot lately...I wish it was Minji instead. Maybe she was right though, we weren't meant to be together. There are just too many obstacles in our way. Maybe I'm meant to marry Niki and help my family with my dad's company.

"Are you and my Minji still not talking?" I was pulled out of my thoughts by Minji's little sister Hyein. Hyein and I aren't close, but we talk sometimes in chemistry since we are partners.

"Not really. Did she tell you anything?" Hyein shook her head.

"No, but she's been really sad and gloomy lately so I figured something happened." I just hum not knowing what else to say. I need to stop thinking about her. It's done. I do feel sad as well though. I didn't realize how much of a light Minji was in my life before she started ignoring me. She cared about me in her own weird way. Get over it Haerin, Minji doesn't want you anymore.


"Hey babe you free after school?" Niki wraps his arm around my shoulder pulling me uncomfortably into his side.

"No, I have to tutor Minji after school." He just pulls me down the hallway taking me further away from my destination of the arts room. I usually go to the arts room during lunch and paint or draw to de-stress, but clearly that is not happening today.

"Ugh you're always tutoring her. Spend some time with me!" Niki sighs as he pulls us to a stop in the middle of the hallway where loads of students are walking.

"Niki, I have to tutor her everyday. It's part of my deal with headmaster Jeon." It's not completely a lie. A couple months ago I told him I would help out Minji and in return he would write a great recommendation letter for me to attend Seoul National University. At first I was apprehensive to tutor the older girl since she was so popular and seemed pretty mean, which was clearly untrue. I also had a major crush on her since I started attending Ador Prep, so that didn't hurt either. I mean who wouldn't have a crush on her. She is so beautiful and carries herself with such confidence that anyone would be attracted to her. After getting to know her she was cute and silly and slightly awkward at times. She was also passionate, a little too passionate at times. She cared for me more than anyone else ever had. It's my fault she's gone. She was right, I am a coward. If I just had enough courage to tell my father that I don't want to marry Niki, that I want to be with her. He would kill me.

"I know but we are going to get married and I feel like we should be taking this time to get to know each other." I just hum in response. I probably looked distant right now, but that's because I am. I don't want to be here with him. I want to be wherever Minji is.

"We aren't getting married for six years, Niki. I think we have plenty of time." Niki just laughs and wraps his arm around me again and walks us to the cafeteria. It was silent for a moment so I looked around observing everything going on around me. There were students running around. People laughing at their lockers with friends. Couples walking hand in hand in the hallway. But one person caught my eye in particular. Kim Minji. She was leaning against her locker seemingly staring off into space. I looked at her for a little longer hoping she would feel me staring at her, but she didn't. She just continued to stare off thinking about whatever is going on in that beautiful mind of hers. I need to be near her out of a professional environment. I quickly tell Niki I am going to the restroom and make my way over towards the dazed girl.

"Hey." Minji was immediately knocked out of her dazed state and looked at me with a little smile.

"Hey. Did you need something?" Maybe I should've thought harder about what I was going to say before coming up to her. Minji tilted her head a little after a couple seconds of me not responding. "Haerin?"

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