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Jessica cupped Blaze's face and wiped his tears, he tried to turn his face again but couldn't because of the unexpected strength he felt from her hands which surprised yet assured him about the fact that she was all fine.

He also grabbed her hands on his face while looking at her face which again made his tears start falling, Jessica with a worried face wiped his eyes again while saying "Why are you crying? I am still alive so why all of you are acting as if you are sitting in my funeral?" in a joking tone. 

Her statement indeed made Blaze relieved because she looked relaxed completely different from the face that she was having in the amorous flower field, so he instantly took her into his embrace and slowly mumbled "I'm sorry...I'm sorry…it's my fault…please forgive me…" in his shaking voice.

Jessica who was surprised by the sudden hug clearly heard his words so she also hugged him and while caressing his back she told him "Why are you apologizing? I'm fine right now is all thanks to you, If it wasn't for you, I don't know what would have happened… so thank you, Blaze, thank you so much" because she could still recall the look on his face when he was running while holding her, as someone had if God had asked him for his life and he was trying to escape from such a fate with all his might, that scene literally made Jessica to look at him in a completely different light because now being together with him really made her heart go Ba-dump…ba dump…
Her words made Blaze relieved but his guilt was much more than this so he tightened his grip on her in nervousness but his sudden hug made Jessica suddenly say "I don't know about something else but your hug can definitely choke me" while laughing because she really needs an excuse to get out of his embrace.

After all, she could feel his naked chiseled chest pressing against her breasts separated only by a thin cotton shirt and her bra.

Blaze instantly let go of her and released her from his clutch, he sat down opposite to her while distancing himself making an awkwardly forced smile on his face as a response to her joke, but Jessica didn't know that he was trying to hide his horrid expression after seeing something extremely terrible behind her.

Yes, Levi who was sitting behind her was giving death stares to Blaze when he saw him hugging Jessica so intimately and when Blaze saw him he immediately came to his senses because his every instinct was telling him to retract as soon as possible and so he does.

Getting out of the embrace gave Jessica a relieving breath, so as not to make the conversation awkward she instantly looked here and there to find the remaining figure of the third guy and she soon noticed that Ell was standing at the room's entrance with an impatient expression so Jessica instantly asked "Why are you standing there?" in confusion.

"Then...Can I...come inside?" Ell replied hesitantly.
"Of-course you can come inside. Aren't these guys already inside? " she replied in an awkward tone because this wasn't even her room in the first place but Ell's words sounded as if they already accepted her as one of the members of their family and the new owner of the room which did make her feel touched.

Ell hesitantly took a step inside, when Levi suddenly burst while pulling Jessica in his arms again "He can't enter, It was all because of him that you were poisoned today. It was his idea to take you to the Amorous flower field".

Ell was petrified at his place after hearing those words because he was now sure that no matter who came to his rescue his heinous crime can't be hidden anywhere, so he lowered his head in guilt when suddenly the silence created by Levi was broken by a cute laugh. Everyone was confused when they saw that it was Jessica who was chuckling, from their facial expressions it was clear that they were confused with slight shock so Jessica said while gesturing Ell to come inside " I think, I should thank Eleanor for suggesting such a beautiful place to me, It was indeed a mesmerizing scene", but she noticed that he still didn't dare to come inside completely and kept on standing beside the entrance.

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