Bathing in the wild

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Just when Jessica was trying to soothe her mouth's taste, suddenly her stomach grumbled loudly, which surprised everyone, including herself, because it was also the first time she heard this sound. So she was about to laugh out, but Ell hurriedly got up while saying, "I'm so sorry, I forgot to cook for you. Please just wait for a little while," and rushed out of the room.

When Jessica saw him discerning the situation instantly and doing everything hurriedly alone in the hall, she got up and went to him intending to help, but Ell didn't even let her touch a single thing under the pretext of resting. Instead, he made her sit on the stone bench and gave her fruits to eat. 

Jessica sat down, but she kept on noticing Ell. She tried many times to help him, but every time her help was denied, so she finally gave up. She got up from the bench and stretched out her arms and body when she suddenly noticed some pink petals sticking to her inner thighs.

She looked around and saw that Levi and Blaze were discussing something very serious inside the room, so she suddenly said in a loud voice, "Guys, I am going to take a bath in the river," and went toward the cave's entrance while holding a big black fur shawl with which Ell had wrapped her earlier. 

As soon as she ended her statement and took a single step forward, suddenly all three of them came in front of her at a lightning speed. Blaze said, "Why are you going alone? I'll accompany you".

When Ell interrupted, "What do you mean? You took her with you in the morning, so it's my turn to go with her," he said, looking at Blaze. 

" Weren't you cooking food for Jessica? I'll take her with me, after all, she is the safest by my side," Levi suddenly said while trying to sound reasonably cool, but his sneak peeks at Jessica sold him off because Jessica caught him looking at her and, from his actions, she knew what he was trying to do. 

Jessica sighed and said with a cold face, "None of you are going with me. I'm not going to hang around here and there, which will require company, instead I have to take a bath as soon as possible. So get out of my way," but they didn't move an inch, causing Jessica to squint in annoyance; instead of bursting into rage, she simply changed her path by overtaking them.
Suddenly Blaze grabbed her hand, which made Jessica look at him inquiringly. He said, "But we just wanted to ensure your safety, so please just take any of us with you" while making an innocent face. 

Jessica gave a deep sigh and glared at him in annoyance, which in turn made Blaze scared, so he let go of her hand with fear on his face. When Jessica saw his reaction, she couldn't help herself but to explain the situation, saying that she had to wash herself so as to get rid of every kind of stuff that she might have gotten on herself from the amorous flower field because it could trigger another allergic reaction. 

Her words made all three of them realise the gravity of the situation, but they were still hesitant to leave her alone outside, not because of wild animals, but because her heat bleeding had stopped and she was now emitting the intoxicating mate-attracting scent, which can definitely attract other males.

Usually, females roam after the end of their bleeding to attract a potential suitor; otherwise, they usually avoid going outside. After all, this kind of situation is just like an open invitation for mating, especially when they are in the dark forest instead of a tribe.

They didn't intend to let her go alone, not because of the safety alone, but because they couldn't let anyone else other than themselves inhale that heavenly scent, and this was the reason why they wanted to go together with her so that they could get rid of the bugs that might mistakenly come in contact with her or even get a look at her.

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