Live Killing

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Just as Jessica was looking at the male, he took a step towards her. Abruptly, a black shadow passed just beside her at lightning speed, and with a swish action, even before she could've blinked her eyes, she saw that the head with widened, horrified eyes of the male in front fell down first, and his headless body, which was still standing momentarily with blood gushing out of the neck, fell down on its back.

The incident that took place in a couple of seconds was clearly seen by her. She was frozen, not just by the horror of the gruesome scene but also by the hot blood that splashed on her face, which made her shiver as she felt an extreme fear emerging from her heart, accompanied by the churning of her stomach.

 Her frozen body was instantly hugged, and she saw with her fearfilled eyes as Levi wiped the blood from his face with his hand, with a worried look in his eyes, when he himself was splashed by the blood, but from the looks of it, none of that mattered to him because he was worried about Jessica's body.

Seeing this scene, Jessica didn't feel delighted as the sickening feeling took over, and she threw up!

"Jessica! What happened? Did you eat something wrong?" Levi asked worriedly as he wiped Jessica's mouth with his hand, but to his surprise, Jessica dodged his hand as she looked at him with horrified eyes.

Levi was surprised and stunned as he looked. The horror filled Jessica's eyes. He was bewildered because this wasn't the emotion that his mate uses towards him, so how come he is feeling that his mate is afraid of himself?

Just as Levi was stunned on his sot, Blaze and Carl came rushing in their beast form. Blaze instantly hugged Jessica as he changed, while Carl stood aside and looked at the dead body.

"Jessica, you're not hurt anywhere, right?" Blaze asked in an extremely worried tone as he looked for any obvious mark or scratch on his body, but to his surprise, he found Jessica in a horrified trance as her eyes were stuck on Levi.

"Jessica?" blaze cupped her face as he shook her head while calling for her name loudly.

With a sudden jolt, Jessica came back to her senses, and when she saw Blaze in front of her, she hugged him while burring her face in his chest as her body couldn't stop trembling.

Blaze was confused, so he looked towards Levi, only to find that he was nowhere in sight.

"I think Jessica witnessed Levi's killing from a very close distance, which scared her. Levi went away because he was blaming himself," Carl suddenly said as he tapped Blaze's shoulder.

Knowing Levi's situation, Blaze instantly reacted as he instantly said, "Jessica, please don't be scared; you don't, but that male's presence was threatening for you.".

Listening to his words, Jessica's embrace tightened around Blaze when he continued, "Jessica, that male is a stray beast. If it hadn't been for Levi, you would've been injured by that male-"

"What do you mean?" Jessica asked in bewilderment because, from what she was told, no male will injure any female.

"That male, Jessica, he is a stray male." Blaze caressed her cheek and pointed at the male. He helped her get up, but her legs were shaking, so he picked her up and showed her the headless body.

Jessica saw the horrendous dead body even when her heart was telling her not to. Blaze pointed towards the dead body's left chest pack, where lied two 'V' symbols above each other of deep black colour.

He told her that those are mating marks that appear when a male gets a mate and mates with her. They are originally red, but when a female breaks the mating bond, the male becomes a stray beast, and the mate mark turns to this black color.

The stray beasts resent females too much, and they don't even think before killing a female. The worst of it all is that they will kidnap the females and rape them until they die.

Everyone on the beast continent loathes their presence, which is dangerous for not only females but for the cubs too.

All this information was definitely too much, but Jessica was worried about Levi because Blaze told her that there were chances that Levi wouldn't come back because of his guilt.

On her request, Blaze took her to Levi, as he could trace him by his scent. After a long run, Blaze halted near a tree and let Jessica slip off him. He motioned with his head when Jessica noticed a figure sitting on a rock beside a tree with its back towards them. Jessica looked at his figure when Blaze nudged her with his head as he pushed her to go forward.

Jessca hesitated a bit because, even if she didn't like it, it would be a lie if she says that she isn't afraid of Levi.

After seeing Levi kill someone without getting even a little bit of reaction on his face, she had an innate fear, a paranoid feeling, and the thought that if she made a mistake, she could end up in that place too. She never thought too much about any killing scene in any movie, but when you witness something real and so gruesome, you'll realise that no matter how strong your heart is, it will also tremble in a moment like this.

With a heavy beating heart, Jessica walked towards him and stopped two steps behind him. She said, "Levi, let's go back home. I was just surprised, so you don't have to blame yourself." in a slow pace, hiding any kind of fear.

Even after a while, she didn't receive any reply, which made her worried. She focused on him when she noticed that Levi's body was trembling, which was not possible to see if you don't walk close enough.

Seeing his body tremble instantly made Jessica distraught, and the fear in her disappeared as she rushed toward Levi and turned him toward herself with force when she saw tears flowing down his face. His eyes were red, and his half-senseless body couldn't help but tremble. The moment his eyes met Jessica's, he burst into tears as he covered his face with his hand.

"I'm just like any other coldblooded beast, Jessica; I'm not worthy of you," he said in a trembling voice as he friutlessly tried to stop the tears.

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