Memories of the past

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"But I never said that I could get pregnant".

"Huh?" was the instant response of all three guys, which made Jessica continue, "I can't get pregnant..." She looked at their shocked faces, which made her heart heavy even more. "Is that the reason why you guys were insisting on becoming my mates…"
All three guys were really shocked because of her words; her situation was something that never crossed their minds. It was difficult to believe that the female for whom they had fallen couldn't give birth to their offspring.

They all kept silent, unaware of the fact that their silence was weighing on Jessica's heart with each passing second.

Those words were something that made Jessica recall all those worse memories she tried to forget, which started the day when she went to receive her body checkup report in the hospital, where her gynaecologist told her how her body was not capable of conceiving because of the abnormal growth of her uterus and an extremely abnormal hormonal level, which will make her unable to get pregnant even if she takes help of advanced medical scientific methods.

Those words were definitely a shock for Jessica, who was merely twenty at that time, but her shock lived for a very short time because her main focus of her life at that time was to get successful in her career. She didn't tell her mother about it because she didn't want them to be concerned about something trivial, but the naive Jessica had no idea that this trivial incident would become a haunting dream for her.

As time passed, she was twenty-three years old, working in her dream profession in a successful position, when she received her first proposal from the man she had admired for a long time, her company president.
Everything was so perfect for them that they could be termed a "fated pair" because their families were on equal footing, they studied together at the university, they were in the same field, and the most important was that they both were crushing on each other.

Everything was perfect: the handsome young boy was standing with the ring and a rose bouquet in front of her, and Jessica, who couldn't believe her eyes as she saw her dream come true, rushed and hugged him as she said "yes" to his proposal.

Both of them stood there hugging each other when Jessica recalled something very important and told him about her health condition in a normal way because, from her point of view, it was something not even worthy of talking about after all; it wasn't like she had some contagious disease or was going to die, so that's why it never made her think twice, but that day it did.

She saw that just after listening to her words, his expression changed, which was something she didn't expect; after all, she decided to tell him everything because if he wanted to spend his whole life with her, she thought he deserved to know everything beforehand.

But contrary to her expectation, he became agitated and started asking about everything. Jessica was surprised but still replied to his every question, even when her wrist in his hand started to hurt.

Things started to go south when he suddenly took her to a hospital and asked her to get tested again, which she did too, just because it was him. When the results came out, he lost his cool and his last bit of sanity the moment he realised that she couldn't get pregnant even with the help of advanced medical science.

In that moment, Jessica was standing there looking at him behaving all weird, still trying to help him, but instead of listening to her words, he said, "What is your use if you can't even get pregnant?" in an annoyed, cold voice, which struck Jessica's mind so hard that for the first time in her life she cried in front of someone other than her family.

For the first time in her life, she begged someone not to say those words, as she said that they both together would definitely find a solution, but she still got to hear, "Do you even know how important the bloodline is to my family? What is the point of marrying you if I have to rely on a surrogate mother? You're not the only one woman left in the world that I'm obliged to marry, even after listening to those things."

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