awakening part 1

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A castle is shown in Scotland as people are seen doing there everyday life as the gargoyles we're watching over them in there stone faze.

Deep with in a chamber of the castle a loud smack is heard followed by a thud. A beautiful young woman of the age 17 is seen on the floor her heard spread around as if it was a halo as she was just slapped by the husband she was forced to marry.

Her name was midnight.she slowly pulled her self off the floor fully to face her husband he goes to raise his hand ounce more only to freeze when his eyes land on hers.

They were so cold as the color emerald green glows bright as her rage finally having enough on how she was treated."if you ever raise your hand nearth me again you want have one do you understand"she said in low voice with edge as he slowly nods his head.

She turns making her hair fall over one side of her face as she moves it out the way walking out of there Chambers

Soon it was getting dark as the sun slowly lowers as vikings are seen getting ready to storm the castle not knowing what awaits.

When the reach the castle walls the sun finally disappeared as night appears.midnight is seen rushing through the gate in her fight cloths.she wore her here in a long sided braid as a sliver medal headband rest against her forehead as she where's a metal armor chest plat along with a metal plate skirt as he heels clank against the ground as she passes by villagers who stare at her wide eye before she comes to a complete stop holding up a shilde and twirls her sword expertly one handed before getting ready just as the first enemy comes at her

As she and the enemy meet head on as the sound of metal clashing as the fight with experience she then tosses the shield as she grabs his spear with both hands twisting her body before throwing him over her shoulder with so much strength making the man lose the air out of him not noticing someone aim an arrow at her with her back turned.

But luck was on her side soon the stone on the gargoyles start to shatter as they awaken before they can be heard roaring as the awakening from there slomber.

The light purple skinned black haird gargoyle that was like a big brother to her known as Goliath sees this his eyes shine white with anger as he roars before jumping off his post wings opens fully as he glids to her.

Midnight hears Goliath roar turning her head to see why. One of the enemy man is about to aim fire on her until she jumps in Goliaths arms as he he's gets closer just messing the arrow .

The castle to where the lead enemy Viking is hekan  who was being backed up by goliaths second in she growls at him before they land behind him. Ounce midnight was set on her feet"I see you've met our watchdog and second in command" he walks up to the enemy who goes to swing his sword in hand only for Goliath to catch his wrist in a tight grip while a dog-ish-like gargoyle Stand's guard.

"I grow tired of this take what's left of your men and be gone"Goliath says as he grabs him by is shirt lifting him up as he throws him off the side of castle in to a hay wheel barrel causeing it to break.

He stands back up angry"this is over monster we'll be back."he shouts at them before he and his men leave.while all the gargoyles and midnight watch as they flee.

night midnight didn't want to deal with the royals and arrogant men so she chose to hang with her fellow friends the gargoyles as they sit and watch the refugees. She couldn't stand she couldn't stand how these people treat the gargoyles that protect them if it wasn't for her and them they will be dead.

The next day the gargoyles and midnight are saying interacting with a little boy named Tom while Goliath's second command watches from her station on top of the castle.

Soon Tom's mother is seen rushing over "tom! Get away from us you monsters and traitor"his mother shouts as she runs over pulling her sun away.

Midnight steps forward having enough" hey if it wasn't for the gargoyles and me you wouldn't you and the people all over this castle wouldn't be alive!"she shouts letting out so much hidden emotions as the gargoyles look at there fellow sister in pain before there eyes glow dangerously white but before anything can happen just as Goliath shows midnight had already ran off.

After dealing with everything Goliath looks around for midnight finally found her sitting in the grass as she looks at the stars deep in thought"there you are"he says as he lands while wrapping his wings around him before kneeling beside her he loses his smile as he sees the tear stains on her face from crying for awhile nothing was to be said as he hugged her knowing she needed to let it all out.

The next day tragedy struck while Goliath and Huston wear away the castle was attacked during the day. The people of the castle try to fight back but all the weapons were already broken.

Soon in was night midnight as she was making her way back to the castle from hunting she noticed smoke coming from it.

She runs as fast as she can before seen the castle destroyed,people either dead or missing before looking to were the gargoyles we're as her brothers picked up the shattered prices of there family.

"!"both roared as it echos through the night making everyone at the enemy camp freeze as everything goes black as the full moon is shown in the night sky.

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