Awakening part 5

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After the big surprise and the second in command reunion with the others as she turns to Goliath "my love I must ask a favor of you"she asked.

Goliath smiles"anything "he said.

"Xanatos has told me of the disks that were stolen from him."she explained.

"He wants our help in retrieving them"Goliath asked.

The second in command nods her head"yes and I think we should help him"she says as she grabs goliaths hand as she gently puts it against her face"out of gratitude for reuniting us if nothing else"she says Goliath smiles "I agree perhaps by helping him"he says.

The second in command then turns to midnight"it might be dangerous why don't you stay here and guard the castle "she says as midnight raised an eyebrow something wasn't right before signing.

As the others took off she was shown looking out one of the castle windows deep in thoughts when owne clears his throat gaining her attention "Mr xanatos would like to see you please follow me"he says before walking away as she narrows her eyes before following him.

He leads her to his office but he wasn't there"okay where is he "she says as her back was facing Owen who put on electrical gloves that will knock her out as he grabs her from behind as she screams in agony as electricity runs through her body before she goes limp in his arms as he then picks her up bridal style walking over to a hidden room when some cages where built before walking over to the human size one as he gently sets her in it before walking out closing the gate before leaving as midnight was left there unconscious.

It's been some time as she groans flutter her eyes as he vision was blurry before turning her head"Lexington? Bronx"she says as she slowly sits up on her knees holding her head "uh what's going on"she asked.

"Well it turns out Goliaths mate is actually the enemy and wants to get rid of all humans and is working with xanatos who made of the whole disk stolen thing he wants to get rid of all of and replace us with robots and telling by the rumbling above I say there's a major fight going on"Lexington explained.

Midnight glares as she stands up as she grabs the door to her cage as electricity cackles but this time she is ready as her eyes glow red before the door explodes off before she steps out as she holds a hand out freeing Lexington and bronx the door to the hidden room they are in is shown blowing off it's hinges as she runs forward and up the stairs to the battlement of the castle.

She runs all the way to the top just in time to see the second in command holding a blaster at Goliath while xanatos holds one at the others and Lisa.

"Goliath your a fool. But then you always were weren't you? If you'd only taken the rest of our clan away from the castle that night...the plan was perfect it would have succeeded"the second in command says making Goliath confused "plan? What plan?"he asked as midnight was putting the pieces together as she glares at the blue skinned female gargoyle.

"I made a bargain with the captain. I was to get us all out of the castle so that the Vikings could sack it it would have worked and after the humans were gone, we would've had the castle all to ourselves but you had to ruin it, you had to protect the humans you made us stay at the castle when we should've been with you when the Vikings attacked the captain said he'd protect us but i didn't trust him i stayed alive because i trust no one!"she says as Goliath looks at her in betrayal as midnight was swelling in anger.

"But why did you do it"Goliath asked hurt.

"You can asked me that after how they treated us? They had to pay! All humanity had to pay for what they did to our kind!"she says.

"There good and evil in all of us, human and gargoyle alike you should know that better then anyone! Don't you see none of this would have happened if it weren't for you!"Goliath says.

The second in command shakes her head"don't say that Goliath! This is your last chance humanity is a poison that must be purged from this planet together you and I can create a new world for our kind you trusted me once. You loved me once. We found each other again "she says walking towards Goliath"after a thousand years of solitude. Dose that mean nothing to you?"she asked as tears build up in Goliaths eyes as he stays silent.

"Very well then if you are not my ally then you are my enemy."she says eyes glowing red as she holds the blaster at Goliath as she fires he falls to the ground as she walks through the smoke"I have a name to Goliath. The humans gave it to me long ago you should know it before you die I am demona"she says as she holds a blaster at a defenseless before midnight runs out with Lisa as she tackles demon down as they crash to the ground as the blaster goes off hitting the battlement as it explodes falling slowly down onto the bridge they were on as it crumbles making the three women fall.

"Brooklyn!"midnight screams as she falls before Brooklyn and Goliath dive off as they glide to midnight and Lisa catching them in time as demona falls down below with the pieces of the battlement midnight wraps her arms around Brooklyn's neck.

Goliath land with Lisa before looking down at his once true love in agony as tears build up before he lets out a mighty roar. 

Xanatos was shown Waking up as Goliath glares at him"she wanted me to destroy humanity."he says grabbing xanatos by the shirt as he holds him over the edge with a glare"I think I'll start with you".

Midnight looks at Lisa"go he'll listen to you"she says as Lisa nods her head Walking forward "no Goliath. Don't do this"she says walking up to Goliath.

"Give me one good reason not to drop him"Goliath says.

"Because if you do your the same as demona "Lisa says as Goliath looks at her before making a decision as he brings xanatos back over from the edge as he was tossed down the steps at Lisa and Huston's feet as midnight sighs knowing Goliath made the right choice before soon xanatos was taken away by the police.

The gargoyles, midnight and Lisa were shown as the sun was slowly starting to a arise as they each step on the pedestals as Brooklyn was looking for his sun glasses "hey where are my sunglasses"he says as midnight shakes her head amused.

Bronx then runs over with them as Brooklyn smiles taking them"thanks Bronx"he says before putting them on smiling until one of her lens pops out as his smiles drops midnight laughs"have a good sleep guys see y'all tonight"she says before walking into her little towers room as she falls onto her bed with a sigh before everything went black.

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