Awakening part 4

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That feeling kept getting worse in midnights stomach as the sun rose when Goliath and Lisa didn't arrive back. She went to where her old chambers was as she went to a pile of clothes Lisa had given her.

She changed into blue jean shorts with a black tank top as she put on a jean jacket before sneaking out the castle. She was heading to where Goliath and Lisa were last shown landing the other night before someone crushes underneath her shoes as she looks down.

She kneels as she picks it up it looked like a small tranquilizer as she glares before standing up as she looks around before hearing a struggle as she runs forward.

She skids to a halt seeing Lisa fighting out the same bad guys from last night as she growls before charging forward shocking Lisa as she watched midnight tackle the men down before knocking him out as she stands up"are you okay"she asked Lisa who was breathing hard as she nods her head but it looks like the bad guys weren't done.

"We had been attacked last night by these guys we tried to get back to the castle in time but the sun had already rose they want to kill all of you"Lisa explained as midnight glares at what's left of the bad guys.

"Come on I have a plan"Lisa says as she and midnight run off bringing the enemy's attention away.

"There they go!"one says before the chase begins as they run after the two girls.

Lisa and midnight soon run into what looked like a little cafe sitting area as they skid to a halt before sharing a look as they then run through the tables before each crunch down hiding.

"Fan out"the leader says as they soon spread out looking for the two girls. One was approaching Lisa when he was close enough she kicked there feet from underneath them as they fall with a grunt before she grabs there gun.

Another one approaches midnights table as she stealthy moves around before covering his mouth as she takes him down before punching him out cold and knocking his gun away before both girls were running off again as the last two run after them as they fire as the girls dodged every single hit as Lisa fires back when she can hitting one as they fall back with a grunt giving them enough time to run further off.

They runs towards what looked like a old building by a pound as boats were docked Lisa opens the door as they quickly run in breathing hard closing the door. Midnight looks around as there were a bunch of gas cans around as Lisa looks into the barrel of her weapon it was empty as she sighs they needed to think of something fast.

Soon gun fire was hard as the rounds pierce through the walls as the girls duck down covering there head but some of the rounds hit the gas cans as they knew this whole place was gonna blow up"come on!"midnight says grabbing Lisa by the wrist as they run to the open water before both girls take a deep breath as they dive into the water just as the cabin blew up with fire and smoke as they swim through the water towards the bridge as they slowly rise out of the water hiding.

"That takes care of them"the men says with a smile.

"Let's just make sure"the female says with her gun ready as they walk around to make sure they were gone. The female walks along the Pier looking all around Lisa and midnight shared a look as they nodded there heads. When the women was closer Lisa grabbed her by the leg pulling her down as she was knocked out quickly.

The last one looks around when his partner disappears. Lisa and midnight where then shown running into the trees as he smirks"you don't know it but y'all are making this harder then it had to be"he says before following them into the trees.

Midnight hides up on the branch as Lisa used her jacket as a decoy as the men gets closer "it's over ladies"he says with a smirk as midnight glares from her hiding spot. She waits for the right time before she drops on top of him as they fall to the ground before Lisa takes his gun away as midnight slowly knocks him out as he goes limp.

She stands back up looking at lisa "come on let's get back to Goliath"she says before the two women make there way to were a stone Goliath is as they sit there and wait. Soon a jogger approaches before stopping in place as he jogs"I've run this path for five years,and I've never noticed that statue before"he says as he jogs in place.

"Yeah this park is just full of surprises "Lisa says as she and midnight shared a look before the jogger continues his run as midnight sits down in the grass deep in thought before soon the sun starts to set as it slowly becomes night as cracking is hard making Lisa and midnight look up as cracks form over Goliath as the stone breaks as he stretches his wings.

"Brother"midnight says with a smile before she hugs Goliath as he hugs her back.

"Goliath are you okay"Lisa asked smiling at the sibling bond they have.

"Of course"Goliath says as midnight let's go of him.

"That sedative wore off"Lisa says as midnight guess that the people from before must have sedated him.

"Sleep rejuvenates us"Goliath explains.

"You stayed with me throughout the entire day and midnight when did you get here."Goliath asked.

"I had a strong feeling in my gut something was wrong so I snuck out the castle came here and helped Lisa fight off the bad guys brother "midnight explained as Lisa nods her head agreeing.

Goliath smiles "thank you dective and you to midnight but now we need to return back to the castle they'll be worried"he says as he picks up midnight"so later"Lisa says with a smile as the two smile nodding there heads before soon they were off back to the castle.

Soon they approached the castle as the others smile as they were okay. Goliath lands on the ground floor by the others as he gently sits midnight down before she was scooped up in a hug by Brooklyn "don't ever scare me like that again"he says as they share a hug as others watch with secret smiles it was no secret that the have a crush on each other before they blush pulling away from each other.

"What happened Goliath? Midnight"Huston asked as Goliath and midnight share a look"it appears we have enemies"he says.

Midnight nods her head "he's right I helped Lisa take care of the ones that were after Goliath apparently they wanted to kill us all and get us out of the way"she explained as Brooklyn looks at her worried.

Els were in the building xanatos was watching from a monitor in his office as he clicks a remote "were ready for him now Owen"he says to his assistant while leaning back in his chair at his desk.

"Given what happened I wish you had accompanied us last night Huston"Goliath says as they all stand around.

"Huston"Brooklyn asked.

Huston nods his head with a smile "aye it's my name"he says with crossed arms before pointing at him self proudly."what would you make of it"he asked.

"It's a fine name"Broadway says with a smile.

"Huston I like it"Lexington says with a smile as well.

Midnight smiles at her family as they choose names for them before Owen appears causing them to look at him before soon midnight and Goliath walk out of the elevator as they walk into the main part of the castle as xanatos waist for them.

"You wish to see me and I brought midnight with me after the events she does not want to take any chances"Goliath says as midnight stands beside him with crossed arms.

Xanatos nods his head in understanding "Goliath. Midnight there is someone here I want y'all to meet an old acquaintance I believe"he says making them confused before he walks over to door as it slowly opens before there eyes widen in shock at who walks out having thought she was dead as his second in command plus his lover stands before them alive and well as the familiar blue skinned female gargoyle with red hair and gold forehead band looking exactly the way she did slowly rises her head as she opens her eyes.

She looks up at them"Goliath my love, midnight my sister"she says as she approaches. Midnight stands there in shock as she was hugged by the gargoyle with so many thoughts going through her head.

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