Chapter 30.

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Michelle's POV

"Can I talk to Michelle in private?" I hear Ashton say. Luke nodded and Ashton took me to a room that was once Jesus' room.

"What's wrong? I saw you crying. I was actually the only one who saw you crying. Besides Luke." Ashton said.

"You remember when I told you I was raped? Yea well you remember Mahir?" I asked. He nodded and I continued.

"The day that Mahir kidnapped me he told me he was the one who raped me... Now today he came. I don't know how he knows my address. But he was touching me again and Luke came and so did the police. They took him away and I hugged Luke then pulled away and ran to my room. Locked myself in the room. Luke kept begging me to explain to him why am I like this. I told Luke everything and that's when you guys came." I explained.

Ashton hugged me and I hugged back. I let out a few tears and then wiped them quickly. Now Luke, Nathaly, Ashton, and Jesus know about me. Only four people. Ashton let go off me and kissed my forehead.

"Everything is fine now." Ashton said. I hope he is right...

We walked back to where the rest were and we sat down. Well I sat next to Luke but Luke put me on his laps. Ashton sat next to Nathaly and put an arm around her.

"Everything okay?" Luke whispered in my ear. I nodded and smiled. We watched movies and I felt my eyes heavy. It has been a long day. I felt my eyes close and soon I was asleep in Luke's arms.


"Look at her. She looks tired. She looks like she has been crying. Maybe she shouldn't go back to school." I heard Calum say. I got up.

"I'm up. I'm going to school. I have a project to do for music class." I said. Luke groaned when I shook him to get up.

"You guys get ready. I'll get ready as soon as Luke gets up. We will meet up in school." I said. Calum nodded and he shook everyone up. I went to my room and I heard Luke following me. Rosemary told me she didn't feel good so she is staying.

"Get ready Luke. I'm going to shower." I said.

"Can I join?" Luke asked.

"No!" I said. Luke pouted and I went to get my clothes which was my black skater skirt and my pink crop top. I got in the shower and did everything I needed to do. When I was done I brushed my teeth and dried my hair and did curls. I put on a flower crown that had pink daisies. I put on my black converse and headed downstairs. I saw Luke sitting on my couch.

"Ready?" He asked. I nodded and grabbed a water bottle, my things and my phone. We headed out and started walking out. We walked to school and while we were walking Luke grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

Once we got to school I saw everyone there except for Randy. I said hi to everyone and they all responded with a hello. Also what was weird was that he was holding hands with a girl that is not Rosemary. I told everyone I was going to the restroom. I quickly called Rosemary and she answered after the 3rd ring.

"Hey. What's up?" She said.

"I just saw Randy holding hands with a girl that is not you." I said.

"Yea... Randy was cheating on me and I found out and broke up with him." she said. Oh that's why.

"Oh okay. Well I got to go." I said.

"Okay. Bye." she said. I hung up and left the restroom where Luke was waiting for me.

"Everything okay?" He asked. I nodded and smiled.

"Yea. Just that I was talking to Rosemary about something." I said. Luke nodded and we went to Science together. Once we got in we were the only ones there and then Nathaly came in.

"Hey guys." she said.

"Hey Nat." I said. Luke said hi as well and the bell rang and Nathaly took her seat which was in the back. I still remember why I'm not sitting next to her. It's because if the fight we had about Ashton giving Luke and Calum a chance.

"Baby remember we have dinner with my parents tomorrow at 6:45. I'm picking you up at 6:30." Luke whispered. I nodded and Mr.Todd came in and started the class.

--skip to Music--

Right now we are waiting for the teacher to come in. Derek and Ashton are talking to me about how some lady fell and she had a skirt on so her underwear showed. These guys are weird. I swear. The teacher came in and she put her stuff down.

"Okay class we are going to start with our projects." She said.

"Michelle... you go first." she said. Great. I got up and went in front of the class. Since I know how to play guitar I know I didn't mention it. I grabbed it and started strumming the beat of the song.

"Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends
Like fathers come to pass
Seven years has gone so fast
Wake me up when September ends

Here comes the rain
Falling from the stars
Drenched in my pain again
Becoming who we are
As my memory rests
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when September ends

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends
Ring out the bells again
Like we did when spring began
Wake me up when September ends

Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars
Drenched in my pain again
Becoming who we are
As my memory rest
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when September ends

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends
Like my fathers come to pass
Twenty years has gone so fast
Wake me up when September ends
Wake me up when September ends
Wake me up when September ends"

I finished the song and I hear everyone clapping. Ashton and Derek were clapping the hardest. I smiled and put the guitar down.

"That was beautiful Michelle." Ashton and Derek say in unison. I smiled and thanked them. Mrs. Annie called on other people and soon the bell rang. It was time for lunch. The three of us Derek, Ashton, and me went to our table and saw everyone there. We sat down and I sat next to Luke and Derek next to Caroline and Ashton next to Nathaly. Calum came as well and sat next to me.

"You guys should've been there in Music class. Michelle's voice is amazing." Ashton said. Derek nodded in agreement.

"Thanks guys but I'm not that good." I said.

"Yes you are." Luke, Calum, Ashton, and Derek said in unison.

"Ashton was way better." I said.

"You were."



"Whatever." I said.

"You know you, Calum, and Ashton should be in a band. Ashton can play the drums. You can play the guitar and Calum can play the-" I said but cut off by Calum.

"The bass!" He yelled. We all laughed and I wasn't lying they should be in a band.

In my opinion they need one more person...

But who?

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