Chapter ~1~

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"Kazu. We're late enough come on, get in."

Scaramouche have been waiting for around 25 minutes for the white haired teen. Kazuha has been confused on what to wear on their first day on their second semester, he wanted to impress his best friend but he didn't want to make it obvious. He wore a white shirt with black ripped jeans, with a chain hanging from his hip. He put on a necklace and tied his hair back. He wore his favorite white shoes, snatched his bag off the floor and hung it around his shoulder as got down.

He spotted Scaramouche's car down waiting for him. "Hey, I'm not late, am I?" He said teasingly, knowing they are late. "No of course not! You're right on time!" The blue haired one replied sarcastically, with a sarcastic smile turning into an annoyed face. "Come on, we aren't that late. We can make it in time.. but-" The shorter one interrupted. "I swear to god if you ask for donuts for breakfast." He started the car, and backed up, and starts driving. "Come on, please! For me?" Kazuha said, pouting, trying to convince the boy to take him to eat donuts like a little kid. The other scoffed and didn't say another word. Kazuha acted upset that he didn't get an answer. "Fine. Just stop making these faces, it annoys me" Kazuha's face lit up. Scaramouche couldn't help but smile a little at the other's childish acts but hid his smile quickly. "Thank youuu! You're the best, Scara"  Kazuha smiled brightly at Scaramouche.
Kazuha had his favorite snack on hand, and his best friend by his side. To their luck they came just on time. They were sitting in class, Scaramouche, as always, sat infront of Kazuha, beside Xiao while Kazuha's side seat was empty. Kazuha was talking with Xingqui and Chongyun about some random topics, while Scaramouche have been listening to music. Xiao have been speaking with Aether and Venti, right when a unfamiliar kid came into the classroom, all the girls have been looking at him in awe by his looks, exactly the way they look at Kazuha, Scaramouche, and Xiao. The three were known to be the most handsome looking guys in their year.

"Oh my.. he's very good-looking.."

"What's his name? I haven't seen him around before"

"Can students even enroll at school in the second semester?.. not like I'm complaining."

Whispers filled the classroom. Kazuha had his eye on the boy once he walked in too. He was wearing white shirt with red stripes at the side, with blue ripped jeans and a black belt, and a chain, similar to Kazuha's, at the side, with his bag hanging around his shoulder. The boy have been looking around the classroom, looking for an empty seat to sit at, and spotted the one next to Kazuha, he looked at him with a soft smile and walked up to him. "Is this seat taken?" His voice was smooth and calming, anyone would relax at the sound of it. "No, it's empty " Kazuha said replying to the Auburn haired boy. The boy sat down and put his bag on the floor, looking at the boy beside him " Shikanoin Heizou, is my name." He extended his hand for a handshake towards the boy. Kazuha accepted the handshake warmly and shook it, saying " Kaedehara Kazuha, Nice to meet you" Scaramouche heard the unfamiliar voice and turned around to see what's happening. "That's Scaramouche" Kazuha gestures to the boy up front. Heizou smiled and waved at the boy. Obviously intimidated by the others stare. Kazuha wanted to speak more to the boy beside him but the teacher came in and started the lesson.


Scaramouche and Kazuha are seated at the football field enjoying the time where no one was around, just a few people would pass by often. "We have to start on a new song, we can't do anything without a bassist you know." Said the boy with the red streak.
"I know." The indigo boy said. "But what can we do. Both of us don't know how to play bass."
"He only knows how to play guitar"
"He's more into flutes"
"Singer Type."

Scaramouche looked at Kazuha worryingly.
"Maybe we should give up this band thing-"
Kazuha looked at Scaramouche. "This is our dream we are fulfilling it
We can do it with only two people"
"We tried."
"And we will keep trying"
They both fell in silence. Looking at each other. They stared into each other's eyes for who knows how long, they leaned in, Kazuha was blushing bright red,  looking from Scaramouche's eyes to lips. They heard Aether yelling their names and they backed up instantly, both flustered.
I was about to kiss him! -Kazuha
He was so close.. -Scaramouche

"Hey guys!" Yelled Aether from the other side, beside him was a flushing red Heizou. Seems like he saw what was about to happen and didn't think Aether noticed.
He whispered to the duo
"Can you take care of the new kid? I'm quite busy with Xiao this evening and He can't sit with us. He refused to speak to Xiao."
What he didn't know that Heizou could hear him clearly, he was embarrassed and upset by how Aether was calling him 'new kid' when he mentioned his name twice to him.
"Sure." Replied Scaramouche
All three of Kazuha, Aether and Heizou were surprised. Heizou didn't think Scaramouche was a kind person, and the other two never heard that Scaramouche would ever be willing to sit with anyone besides Kazuha.
"What?" He said to the surprised people in front of him. "Nothing! Nothing at all!" Aether said and ran off waving to the trio. "Enjoy!"
Heizou felt embarrassed but sat down beside Kazuha hesitantly and took out his notebook writing some lyrics.
"So.. how's your first day?"
Heizou was surprised that someone was willing to speak after what happened and what Aether said.
"It was alright. People here are quite sweet, not that I met anyone besides you two"
Kazuha blushed red at the compliment, he would get compliments every so often but he didn't know what's so different about his and Scaramouche's.
"Thanks! What are you writing if you don't mind me asking."
"Some lyrics."
Scaramouche sat there admiring the two boys in front of him. Was he catching feelings for two boys? No way. He's not gay for his best friend. Nor a boy he just met. He's not even gay. He can't be. Well, his mothers are.
Kazuha and Heizou were looking at the dark blue haired boy with concern.
" I asked you if Heizou can join me and your band.."
"Sure. I don't mind."
I thought it would be only us two. I can't believe this. But.. I really wouldn't mind. Wait what am I thinking..
"He can come over to my house. If he's okay with that.."
"Really?!" Heizou looked at him excitedly
"I take it back, I don't want him in the band"
Heizou pouted "Mean."
Scaramouche clicked his tongue in annoyance, Heizou was no different from Kazuha. But his heart did flips whenever Kazuha smiles at him. He hoped it won't be the same with Heizou. Scaramouche got up, swung his bag over his shoulder and went down the stairs. "Well? What are you both waiting for let's go."
They both looked excited, and ran towards Scaramouche with their bags, Heizou tripping over his own feet.
This day was really going to be exciting.

Word count:- 1262
Thank you for reading the first chapter of the story!

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