Chapter 4

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They took a cab ride home, but this time Lockwood let George sit in the front seat for the first time since they started working together.

"What?" George said in shock. "But you never let me have the front seat. I am taking this 'once in a lifetime' chance. Otherwise I'll never get it again," he said as he hopped into the front seat with the bold driver.

"After you," Lockwood said bowing a little and his hand out for Lucy.

"Well, thank you kind sir," she said, bowing back and getting in with a smile on both of their faces. About ten minutes into the ride Lockwood grabbed Lucy's hand (which was on the middle seat) and held it for the rest of the ride home. Lucy didn't try (at all) to pull away.

Once they got to the house, Lucy and Lockwood were setting the table with plates, silverware and cups while George was making dinner. When George was done with the deliciously cooked steaks they all sat down to eat. Half way through the meal they heard a strange scratching sound coming from the living room (it's where Lucy had her interview. Ps that was for people who don't know). They all went to go see what it was but nothing was in the living room. The only things that were there were two couches, a few laps on small tables and a short oval shaped table that was in the front of the two couches facing each other.

The scratching sound came again, and it was coming from the door.

"It's not ghost time yet, so what could it be?" George asked as if they were sure it was something horrifying.

"Well, let's see what it is," Lockwood said with great confidence. He grabbed his sword to make sure no funny business was going to happen here. He grabbed the door knob with Lucy and George right behind him for backup. Lockwood opened the door slowly. He looked out a small crack and began to laugh really hard.

"Um... Lockwood, what's so funny?" Lucy asked with a very confused voice. But he kept laughing

"Lockwood, are you okay?" George asked with concern. Lockwood finally slowed down his laughing, turned to his friends with tears in his eyes and opened the door wide. Once Lucy and George saw what it was they began to laugh too. What sat in the doorway was a male, cute, black fur dog. The dog sat there leaning his head to one side with both ears down. Around its neck was a note. Lockwood grabbed the note once everyone had stopped laughing at themselves for being so worried about what it was.

Lockwood began to read the note out loud. It said: Looks like my dog found you. If you don't want to keep him you need to say "go and find a new master" and point away from you so he knows that you can't or won't take him in. But if you do want him to call him into the house, that's when he knows that you're here for him. His name is for whatever you chose for it to be. This dog was everything to me before I died; please take care of him while I'm gone. Thank you

Lockwood put down the note and looked at the dog.

"He's cute. Too bad we can't keep him," Lucy said with a sigh.

"Why not," Lockwood replied. "We can have a dog if we wanted to. So, with a show of hands, who wants to keep the dog?" With no hesitation, all three of them put their hands in an instant. With a slight giggle they welcomed the dog into the house. They sat on the couch thinking of what name they were going to give him.

"What about Clark?" George asked

"No, it needs to be something cool," Lockwood said as if he was going to rip out his own hair.

"I've got it! John,"

"No, George, that's a terrible name."

"What about Comet?" Lucy said, still looking at the dog.

"Why Comet?" Lockwood asked. "I mean comets are white, not black." (as in the actual colors of the fur and the comet itself)

"I know but what if we named him something opposite to him?"

"I like it," George said, giving the dog a little pat on the head. "Ooh... he's so soft."

"Well, looks like Comet is his new name. Now, let's go finish our dinner," Lockwood said, getting up from the couch and heading for the dining room with the Comet at his tail while wagging his own. Soon after, me and George followed to finish our delicious stakes.

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