Chapter 1

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[[Chapter Specific TW: Abusive Relationships, Alcohol mentions]]

"Baby~!" The high pitched voice that had become venomous to my ears called out to me. Looking away from my locker, I noticed the tall brunette running towards me, causing a chill to run down my spine.

"Hi babe." I answered flatly as she grabbed onto my arm. Staring dully at her, I wondered what she wanted this time. Had it not been enough for me to walk her to her last class?

"So, I'm sure you remember the party at Wendy's tonight, right?" Heidi, my girlfriend, questioned. Nodding, I thought about the fact that Wendy had her biweekly party for everyone on the football team and the cheerleaders.

"Well, I plan to wear that cute green dress you bought me last week! Make sure that you match, but don't embarrass me this time. Okay, sweetie?" Heidi kissed my cheek as I nodded again. "Meet me at my car after school, I've gotta get to class!" With that, she ran off.

I let out a sigh as she left, feeling a sense of comfort in being alone. Sadly, my solitude did not last long as the last person I wanted to see approached.

"Hey, fatass." Kyle's disgusting voice rang out as he opened the locker next to mine. Kenny thought it would have been hilarious to have Kyle move into his locker after they got together. I will never forgive him for that.

"Sup, Jew?" I replied calmly, staring at the contents of my locker. I didn't have it in me to fight with him right now. Grabbing a book from my locker, I slammed the door shut, sighing again.

Raising an eyebrow, the ginger looked over at me. "Dude are you okay?"

Quickly snapping at him, I nearly yelled. "I'm fine! Stay out of it." Before he could respond I stormed off toward my class.

Walking in to the Chemistry classroom, I glanced around, slightly surprised that Kenny had decided to come to class today. Nodding to him, I sat down in the desk next to him. The old metal creaked slightly under my weight, as most desks did.

Pulling his hood back a bit to look at me, Kenny grinned, exposing his missing canine tooth. "Sup, fat boy?"

Rolling my eyes, I laid my head on the desk. "Not in the mood, poor boy." Kenny simply nodded in response, understanding what it meant. As my best friend he was the only one I told about the shit going on in my life. He knew everything, at least what I could bring myself to tell him.

"Good morning, class." Our obviously hungover teacher walked in, closing the blinds. "Take today as a study hall. Read a book, do some homework, rub one out, I don't give a shit." She sat down at her desk, rubbing her temples as the late bell rang.

The sound of a desk scraping across the tiles on the floor caused me to physically cringe. I looked over and saw Kenny looking at me with pleading eyes. "So, plan on rubbing one out this class, Cartman? Or should I rub it for you~?" A sickly seductive smirk grew upon his lips.

"Dude, nasty! You know I'm straight!" I glared at him as a strange sensation pang at my chest. I dismissed it as I usually did when I had to defend my sexual orientation.

The blonde chuckled softly. "As if. We both know I could change that."

I narrowed my eyes, suddenly angry. "Not everyone's a raging homo like you, dude." Reaching down, I grabbed a book from my backpack. "Now leave me alone, I have to get my grades up to be able to play in next week's game."

A muffled groan came from the twink sitting next to me as he pulled his hood back on. As he laid his head on his desk, presumably to take a nap, I opened my math textbook and began to study.

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