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He got out of the house and walked in a hurry. There was a small path, hidden behind the trees just outside the Hyuga grounds,and if the right turn was taken it became visible. He had found it by accident in one of the times he had come to her house. It spared him the unpleasant experience of passing outside the compound only to come face to face with a Hyuga.
He moved and found himself standing at a small cliff. He jumped despite the extra weight he was holding.
Some distance afar and the first houses appeared. He got himself up on the roofs and run, the bags on his hand restraining his movement. He thought of her decision to take them there herself. She was upset. Angry. That gave him a weird determination. Because if she wanted to continue, there was nothing more anyone could say. He wondered what was that he told her that made her quit. He wondered what was that made her leave Naruto for the second time. He pictured her face that was calm as he arrived at the roof of the Hogake tower. If she was the same when she left the house she shared with the person behind the closed windows. If she had cried the first time.
He opened the glass with ease. There was an argument inside the office that was cut short by his arrival.
"Sasuke if you can give me a second." Naruto spoke and he was clearly angry. He wouldn't like what was about to happen.
He throwed the bags above the desk, scattering around the papers. Shikamaru wasn't pleased.
"It won't take long." Sasuke responded and caught the blonde's attention.
"What is that?" He asked.
"Take a look."
He waited as he unzip the suitcase.
When he examined briefly the contents, his gaze was raised. It held fury.
"I assume Hinata informed you." He said.
"She did."
"This should be returned to the library. Did she not tell you before she gave them to you?" His voice red.
"I didn't come here to return back anything." Sasuke replied in black.
"Why did you come then? To argue? Shikamaru had this covered."
Sasuke gave the other man a glance.
"Even your advisor thinks you are an idiot as it seems."
"She left on her own. Why don't you both go yell at her?"
Sasuke slammed his hand on the desk. He really didn't want to punch him.
"Look at the bags Naruto. See for yourself how organised the things scattered around before, are now."
"I don't need a evaluation of her worth. She just quitted you know. There is nothing to be done."
"Why?" Sasuke asked. "Why did she quit when I know for sure that she wanted this job?"
Naruto gave him a glare.
"Because she needed to take a mission that she didn't want to take."
He said and looked outside.
"What kind of mission?"
"You know that the context of every mission is private." His tone professional.
"Don't give me this crap Naruto."
"What do you want? For me to beg her to come back? It didn't work in the past, it won't work now. And besides what does it have to do with you? Since when, do you defend Hinata?"
"Since you became irrational on top of your stupidity."
The Hogake punch the side of his fist on the wall behind him.
"I won't fight with you. She will either go to the mission I assigned her or quit. I don't play favours Sasuke. Hinata has to follow orders like any other shinobi."
His best friend's eyes were fixed on him, filled with anger. Sasuke knew him, he wouldn't change his mind.
"The only reason I am staying is to write about my clan."
"You said you would stay before that." He replied a little hurt.
"I get bored easily." Sasuke shot him with a smirk.
"Are you threating me?" His brows raised.
"Are you going to keep being an idiot?"
The Hogake was tired. He sat on his chair, almost throwing his body. His advisor probably scolded him before he came. It was natural. Naruto did something that made one of his shinobi to leave.
"What do you want me to do? If she wants to go, she can go. I can't force her otherwise."
"Give me this mission." Sasuke responded. "Writing the books. Give it to me."
"You don't have the skills to do that." Naruto smiled slightly.
"No." Sasuke smirked. "I don't. But I will hire her to help me."
"She is a civilian." Naruto argued.
"But everything will be under Sasuke's care." Shikamaru spoke for the first time.
"Do you think she will agree?" Naruto was hesitant.
"I can be very persuasive." He responded.
"I don't like this." He concluded but Sasuke knew he had won this fight.
"Be more thoughtful the next time." He said and took the road back where he came from.

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