How easily will you shatter?

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Leonora is not one to falter easily, but you are determined to see her stumble.
A taste of what's to come in regards to Lady Lesso breaking

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You revel in the softer things, sometimes. You are evil, cruel, wicked . But just because you are a Never-and always will be-that does not mean you don't appreciate tenderness.

Leonora Lesso is less inclined to this fantasy.

"What are you doing?" She snaps harshly, your kisses turned gentle and-dare you say, caring-as you stretch out above her. A hand curls at your elbow, and you understand the threat of a change of pace when you feel it.

"Changing things up," you say quietly, lathing at her pale skin.

You're on your back in the next breath, Lady Lesso hovering over you before grinding down against you. Hands scramble for purchase on her, and you claw up her back as she rocks her tensed thigh against your center. You've been fucking each other all night, you're already sore and sensitive.

"When did I approve of that?" She growls in your ear, teeth nipping at your skin. You rock up into her, tightening your hold on her, and she chuckles in your ear. "Little bird, you do not decide what happens in this bed."

She's right.

So you don't try again in a bed.

She's in your office one day, the two of you discussing circulum for the year. You talk idly of prospecting students, which ones you believe will excel. Lady Lesso agrees and counters something else you said.

You round the desk and perch back in it, spreading your legs enough for her to get the hint. A glint sharpens her eyes as she stands up and locks the door with a flick of her wrist and a glow of her finger. She kisses you with teeth and possessiveness, and you palm at her cunt through her pants, delighting in the soft breath against your lips.

Successfully wound up, you stop as her hands claw at your hips.

"What do you think you're doing?" Lady Lesso demands, pulling away from you to glare. You tilt your head back and smirk.

"This isn't the bed," you purr. Ever the quick witted woman, Lady Lesso puts two and two together right away and steps back. You grab her by the tie and pull her back in. "I sing for you so well," you start, reveling in the way her eyes darken, "This body is yours. You won't give me one day of what I want?" You begin to kiss on her neck, smirking at her hesitation.

"And what will I get for it?" She asks, annoyance lacing her tone. You nip at her skin and she grunts quietly.

"Pleasure, I thought that was clear," you chuckle. Lady Lesso grabs your arms and pulls away from you, defiance in her gaze.

"No." She turns her back to you and walks from the room. "When you decide you can listen again, come find me."

The door closes loudly, but you aren't deterred. You're a patient person, you can wait.

Your finger glows nearly constantly throughout that day. Your meeting was early in the morning, before classes started, after all. You have all the time in the world to set her on edge.

And set her on edge you do.

Halfway through the day your office door threatens to splinter into pieces as she throws it open. You look up from papers innocently, sitting back in your chair as she storms across your office.

"What in the seven hells do you think you are doing?" She roars at you, looking ready to explode your desk for simply being in your way.

You perch your jaw in your hand, tap your finger to your cheek as it flows, and you smile wide as she stumbles, bracing herself against your desk as her fury is halted. Lady Lesso's face contorts in pleasure, and you are utterly delighted to be the cause of it.

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