I'm going to break you

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Lady Lesso has had a long week and you're determined to give her the release she deserves.
Well, here it is at long last. . .Lady Lesso falling apart by your hand

I wasn't sure about this one, it didn't seem as good to me so hopefully you guys think differently. I just couldn't not share another one.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:
It has been a long week. For everyone, but most of all for the Dean of the School of Evil. You've not seen each other in days now, but the sexual frustrations you have are pushed aside with all the problems you've been saddled with.

This student needs punishment-murder before graduation, again - that student has been hexed and has been stuck to a wall for days now. It is chaos Embalmed, and you are the unfortunate archeologist stuck digging through it all.

"No, we can't do that, unfortunately," Lady Lesso says with a roll of her eyes, you and several other professors gathered around. "At least I can't," she corrects, glancing around at all of the professors. She meets your gaze and you nod in understanding.

Go around the rules , she says without words.

It is a long. . .long week, in short.

The hectic week is over, and you find yourself drawn to Lady Lesso's room in the dark of night, all of your paperwork finally sorted through.

She's sitting on her bed when you walk in-you don't knock, you don't need to anymore-and she looks up at you as you enter, bent over her knees, perhaps with her head in her hands before you came in.

"Not tonight, little bird," she sighs tiredly, coat off and tie askew. "I don't have it in me."

"Perhaps I do," you counter. Lady Lesso raises her head and her brows flicker in thought as you saunter towards her. "Let me take care of you, tonight, Leonora."

"Y/N," Lady Lesso says warningly, but there isn't much ferocity behind it. You continue towards her, slipping your finger between her tie and shirt and pulling it loose, reaching out with your other hand to remove the knot. "It's late," she protests.

"And on the other side of the world, it's early," you grin and toss the tie aside. "Crazy how that works, isn't it?" You kneel down before her, black dress fluttering even as it tries to cling to your skin.

"But we're not on the other side of the world," Lady Lesso points out as you begin to take off her shoes, setting them aside. You look up from before her knees and rise up enough that you're no longer kneeling but crouched on the balls of your feet-your own heels left behind in your room. She doesn't stop you as you reach for her waistcoat and unbutton it, easing it off her shoulders and on the bed, and then you start on her shirt.

"I hardly think that matters," you whisper and lean up to kiss her, a hand on her chest to pressure her to lay on her back as you crawl on top of her.

One of her hands comes up to cup the back of your thigh, skating over your leg. You push her shirt aside, feeling the smooth skin of her stomach, your hand sliding to her waist where you feel the tips and edges of scars under the pads of your fingers.

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