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Lady Lesso is more than satisfied with you, as you are her, but neither of you are ones to say no to a curious mind.
Threesome with profesor Dovey

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"Don't you think this is a terrible idea?" You ask, yelping in surprise as she tugs you along in the dark and shoved you roughly against a wall. You groan at the pain and she puts her hand over your mouth, her breath fanning across your face.

"Of course it is," Lady Lesso replied simply. You can hear the grin in her voice. "Now stay quiet," she instructs, and of course it's the day you decided to wear fucking pants.

You grab onto her as she untucks your shirt and slides her hand between denim and skin. You've only just been snatched from the hallway and pulled into the dark closet, but you're already wet for her.

"Yes," Lady Lesso purrs in your ear upon feeling this. Your hips rock into her hand, there's no preamble to this, there's a time limit.

Now that she's started you, you want to get all you can out of this.

You turn your head away from her hand and she supports herself on the wall by your head, urging you to look up and away as she kissed your neck. You hold her tighter, tugging her closer.

"I was thinking-for this year we could use the, oh god," you groan. Lady Lesso smirks against your skin.

"Just because I told you I wanted a meeting today to discuss the classes doesn't mean you actually have to right now," she muses, nipping at you.

You arch into her, eyes rolling to the back of your head as she slides into you easily. Grinding down onto her hand you search for more friction against your clit that she can't satisfy, not in this position.

"I know but-fuck-might as well," you pant, grabbing at her waist and wishing it was warm skin under your hands not wool. "The forest for class."

"The forest?" She picks her head up curiously and now that your eyes have adjusted to the darkness you see the squint to her eyes. "Why?"

"If you have to ask I don't want to explain," you say. "Just cause I started talking doesn't mean you get to stop moving." You set your hand on her wrist and urge her into motion and she grins wickedly as she sets a pace so ferocious you mind simply. . . .blanks.

"I could see the point behind it," she muses, slightly breathless, and you've got a death grip around her wrist now as you push your shoulders harder into the wall and your hips harder into her hand. "The Evers do, after all, why wouldn't we? Though, perhaps our classes will be much different."

"Stop. . . Talking," you manage, your eyes beginning to roll back.

"I'll give you kudos for ingenuity, but it's not happening," she murmurs against your collarbone. Your free hand flails at her waist, and you tug and pull until her whole body is pressed to you, bent over your shorter form like some goddamn holy person.

"L-Leonora," your straining to keep quiet, holding your breath now. Your hips shake and stutter and she curls and you gasp loudly for breath, buckling into the wall and she fills every empty part of you.

"Quiet, now, little bird," Lady Lesso chides with a smile in her voice, mouth slanted against your ear. "I want another from you and I can't have anyone walking in."

"Fuck-" you start to curse, and her lips caress yours, swallowing down any moans that crawl up your throat like the dead.

You don't know how she does it-or what she does-but sudden pressure assaults your clit and you gasp as you break away from the kiss. You want to keep quiet but small Shakey moans leave your mouth and clothing rustled and soft skin is shoved into your mouth. You're still gripping her wrist and you feel tendons flex under your fingers as she scoops and reaches inside of you.

Lady Lesso's Little BirdWhere stories live. Discover now