Until the sun rises

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You want a change of pace, and you will do anything it takes to win the prize you're after.
You fuck Lady Lesso silly, and she gives it right back as she always does so well.

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The school was always clouded in smoke and darkness. A fresh morning never dawned on the castle. No light could pierce through that haze.

Except in your room.
There wasnt much reason you kept that single window enchanted to peer past the doom and gloom and fog-no matter how much you enjoyed the darkness. You revealed in it, and how could you not? In darkness it was easier to creep and slink through shadows, be invisibly to the minds eye because how could a shadow move without a body to follow it?

It couldn't.

Shadow you became, one dark night as a storm thundered overhead. The single window showed the bright sunny sky beyond the castle grounds, casting light on the floor that shouldn't be there.

It was easy to slink through the school unnoticed. Some students crept through the halls-like little lambs, they always made noise or blundered through spells they didn't understand-but you moved like water through their blubbering.

Cobwebs lined the corners of the halls, spiders dangled from the stalagmite like structure piercing down from the ceiling. When a pair of teachers turned the corner of the hall you hid in, you climbed the walls and passed over them.

You were on a hunt, and you would not bow to your quarry.

Lightning struck and lit up the hallway for a brief moment, baring you to it's light as all shadows left the hall. You stared back at the lightning even as the brightness of it stayed in your vision for a few blinks.

What are you doing skittering through the castle like a pest? The hair on the back of your neck raised, and as the light faded you looked down to see your prey looking up at you.

Get down here, we have some things to discuss, Lady Lesso instructed. She held two fingers up, curling them towards herself as she beckoned you to come closer, the ring on her middle finger flashing.

Find me, first, you challenged.

Shadow cloaked you once more, and though Lady Lesso had known where you were, you quickly moved away.

The heavy sigh from behind you made you wonder if she would indulge you, but then her heavy cane struck the ground with a resounding metal thud, and you knew you woukd be followed.

She may not have been able to see your exact location, but she must have sensed your magic at the very least as she followed you through the halls. Avoiding cobwebs and poisonous spiders-a snake or two, coiled on an alcove far up the wall-you led her to the highest room of the castle. Higher than the Deans room, even.

When the door shut behind her, you positioned yourself near the large circular window in the abandoned attic, watching her.

Lady Lesso looked around with disinterest, languidly walking in your direction.

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