Are you my good girl?

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Lady Lesso is prone to teasing, to pushing limits of every nature. You're just the only one she can push sexually, and this time, you discover how much you hate being called good. You're a Professor of Evil, that's just not how it works.
First work in this genre, so if the characterization isn't right. . .well, your expectations were too high.

You're a professor at the school of evil, and you and Lady Lesso have had a sexual relationship for quite some time now. Only now, you're words-or lack of-comes to bite you.

Work Text:
You don't remember how it started, and you don't know when. It doesn't matter, not even a little bit.

~Meet me in my office after sundown, I'll be waiting.

Hesitate to need me before that,

Dean Lesso of the School of Evil~

You smirked at the officialness that closed out the note as you set it aside. Classes would be long and arduous today, after receiving this note. The morning sun stretched across your classroom, like a cat waking up from a nap, and you closed the curtains with a quick flick of your wrist.

The students will navigate your classroom in the dark today, you don't need the sun's position reminding you how slow the day passes. Besides, this is the school of villains, what's a little challenge now and then?

Hours, tortuous and quiet, ticked by like a snail across the glass table in your office. You imagined the different things the dean could need you for, letting your mind wander in the quiet moments of the day. Perhaps she would take you to the Doom Room, and you two could have your fun there. Or maybe you two would battle for dominance-though the Dean would win, in the end, she always won-and before long you'd be crying for release.

The very thought made you shift in your seat, and if you snapped harshly at your students more so than usual, no one questioned it. Who would dare question any professor in this school? None of you had been placed here just on a whim.

You earned your evil story. Triumphant or not, you were among the worst. Lady Lesso was one of the few to prove more vile than you, perhaps that's why the two of you came together in the dark of the night.

At long last, sunset came. You happily stalked across the school to the dean's office, glowering at any student that stood in your path and almost knocking them over as you blustered past them. You didn't bother knocking on the door, you simply walked in and shut the door with a flick of your wrist.

Furious violet eyes flicked up to you, but the fury quickly faded into amusement and excitement as she noted your tenseness, the wild look in your eyes. She knew what she'd been doing to you all day by leaving that note.

"Ah, Professor Y/N, to what do I owe the displeasure?" Lady Lesso crooned, silver nails flashing as she curled them beneath her chin. You noticed that she'd taken her coat off at some point, bulky white collar neatly tucked under her sharp jaw, equally bulky sleeves rolled up to just below her elbows.

"I was simply following instructions," you reply at last, standing up straight in front of her desk. Lady lesso leaned back and crossed one knee over the other, watching you with a wicked grin.

"You are so good at following directions, aren't you?" Lady Lesso asked, baring blunt white teeth as she spoke. You narrowed your eyes on her, trying to figure out which game it would be tonight. Did she wish for you to be obedient? Wild? Does she wish to break you tonight?

Oh, the thought is lovely.

"It depends on the day," you say arrogantly, circling around the side of her desk slowly.

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