wassup jake paulers

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"yooo wassup yn" kai pulled me into a hug

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"yooo wassup yn" kai pulled me into a hug. I was highkey blushin and shits but I still hugged him back. damn tha nigga smell good asf, kitty is purrring. he invited us into the crib, safe to say we were all speechless. "oh shit this place nice asf" liyah lose ass mouth says. He jus chuckles "y'all want any refreshments? btw the some guys are pulling up or chilling upstairs" riot instantly starts cheese real hard hearin that. "Is Chris here?" "uuhhh yea he in his room; lemme call him up rq"

45 minutes later

You and the rest of the crew were hella comfortable, sharing fanum's hookah and eating snacks. Riot and Chris had been talking about music and shits for the past 40 minutes where as liyah was using bad Snapchat filters on davis and agent.
You sat between fanum and Kai who were having a regular convo ab which deli has the best chopped cheese. ngl you were dead tired of hearing them argue over food, more time you weren't surprised.
You excused yourself from the convo and asked where the toilet at. Kai pointed you towards it and you still got lost😐.
After wandering round for a good five minutes you found it, did yo business n chilled there for bit. Just touching up on your makeup and scrolling thru the gram. When you got a twitch notification.


you joined the stream not thinking much of it. "yo yo so yk how we got guest over here we should prank em or sum" he snickers, tappin Chris chest aggressively. "I haven't even met them, who's here" Kai gave a lil smirk toward the camera, rubbing his hands whlist doin that ugly ahh lightskin laugh.
you clicked off the stream and exited the bathroom, going over to the living room to tell the girls what's kai planning to do. "uht uht this lace was a goood £355 I'm not fuckin it up over some dumb shit" liyah sassed. you and riot laughed hysterically at liyah. "I alr got a munch who can fuck it up for me tf" she added on, making riot fucking tear up with laughter, clutching and slapping tf outta yo body. "Alrighty now it wasn't that funny" you frowned. "y'all good being left alon down here? I wanna get started with some work" agent said shrugging. we answered with a bunch of 'mhm and yea' and he dipped.

30 minutes later

"Damn yn that nigga really ditched you to stream" riot sighs looking over at my emotionless expression. " Anything 4 da bag" "real"
I was highkey feelin hungry, who tf invites someone into they home and not offer them FOOOD. I'm bout to get comfortable and take everything in they fridge.
I took my fat ass into the kitchen for some food only to be met with water guns being sprayed and small fireworks being tossed. I instantly started sprinting outta there. KAI AND FUCKING CHRIS WANNA BE CHRIS BROWN LOOKIN ASS FR SET ME UP!? IM ON THEY ASS NOW FR.

I could hear them laugh mad hard.
like tf are you laughing 4 ain't shit funny.
naa i needa get back maliciously.

"duke could you help me get back at kai please" duke side eyed me and fucking left the living room. this nigga acting like he can't help a sistah out.
"yooo fanum could you help me get back at kai please" crossing my fingers ( and legs) that he says yeah!
"whatcu need?? Fireworks, gun, the cannons, snakes??" His face twisted up into a devious grin. "Ion wanna fuck up the place tho... should I throw ice bucket on him or sum??" "DO THE NASTY ASS 2016 COUPLES PRANK ON HIM BICTHHH" liyah screamed from upstairs. pause??? Who room she in to be upstairs 4 ???
"mmcht" fanum shrugged "he in da kitchen trynna get riot next, we need someone to tell him that we upstairs or sum" ngl i was not listening to what a word that nigga was sayin... I did say I was on this trip 4 fanum👩🏾‍🦯👩🏾‍🦯. "let's do it" we headed upstairs into Kai's unlocked room dumb ass nigga.

unedited 🫶🏽
I got school n exams so slow updates frfr sorry 🙄‼️

don't ghost read tm n please vote it encourages me❤️👍🏾

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