Home is where i belong

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It's been a minute since I last spoke to kai or anyone since the whole situation

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It's been a minute since I last spoke to kai or anyone since the whole situation. Till this day, as I'm on this plane away from the drama, lia is still talking and posting about me.
I never really understood her particular issue with me and I'm not problem starter so... I truly do not understand her issue. But ykw fuck that hoe and her lil streamer boyfriend.

Talking about a certain streamer, he has tried to contact me in several ways but I always blocked and deleted him from my peace and healing era. I don't need any old wound to reopen. Including liyah and Trey; i don't associates myself with either of them because when they were doing up jeeting they weren't worried about me. So Imma leave them at that.

This journey home will hopefully be changing and a healthy healing process for myself. Im willing to fix and trial through my relationship with my sister and dad. Not that I'd even give a fuck if they didn't want that but you know healing , zen and meditation 🧘🏾‍♀️ stuff.

I placed my AirPods in and played Summer Walker throughout the whole journey. If anything music has always been my personal therapy, a safe haven for my mind to get clouded in.

I sat by the wind next to some girl who looked about my age. She had an random all black fit on although it was 30° out. She was struggling trying to sit comfortably and seemed frustrated . So naturally I offered her my seat. "hey would you like to swap seats?" "Oh my gosh, thank you!" She replied back with a grin, "oh and btw my name is cassandria" she held her hands opens out for me to shake, which I did gently so. " yn, it's nice to meet you" I smiled back. "Wait you look kinda familiar... are you a only fans user? Or sum sort a Twitter meme?" Cassandria questioned curiously. Sigh the problem with this whole internet beef is that people will know me as a ghetto black girl who kicks babies strollers. " definitely not a only fans girl but yeah i am a trending topic on Twitter" my voice dropping down into a whisper as I spoke. She just chuckled and sat down in her new seat. "you're beefing that one slim yellow bone, yeah?" she said almost mockingly. I side eyed her slightly as I sat down in the middle seat, nodding at her replies.


"So that's how I got banned from maces" Cassie sniffled her laughter as she told me the story of how she got banned from a store (again) .
We had been talking for majority of the plane ride and even exchanged digits. Cassie was definitely an outgoing and energetic extrovert which I was seemingly drawn too.
Of course she asked about the whole kai cenat situation; her advice after hearing all of that was "you should hear him out" she must be crazy or still hungover cause ain't no way.

After we departed from one another. I headed my jet lagged ass home. To say I was nervous was an understatement, my anxiety was through the roof, engulfing me and suffocating in bright red nervousness. I didn't even know black people could turn red but now I do fosho.
I called an Uber to pick me up and take me to the place I called home.

35 minutes drive later

I had arrived at the great white gates which rusted and mold over as well as dying roses twisting and dancing all over it too. Unappealing but we move.
I pushed through the gates and followed the trail which led to my step sister's home. I knocked and abruptly the door swung open. I was greeted by a dark skin man whose smile reached ear to ear. Then it dropped and his eyes widened, "yn... you are home?" I glanced back at the gates behind me. I'm starting to regret this decision already so much so for healing , zen and meditation, huh?. " hi dad" I mumbled shyly. Suddenly he brought me into his arm, hugging me tightly in a warm bear hug.
I don't know what overcame me but maybe it was scent of the roses that made my eyes water up or... the fact I'm hugging my father so I haven't seen in years. But I think it's probably the flowers tbh.
"Oh no dearest, please don't cry I'm sorry" he squeezed even tighter and gave me multiple forehead kisses that he used to give me when I was a little girl.

I always thought I didn't need a man or that I could never trust another one. After-all ,the main man in my life had hurt me in inexplicable ways.
That kai has proven this theory but I'm starting to believe what Cassie said ... maybe I should hear him out.

That way I could hug it out.

That way I could hug it out

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first chapter done.
This is low-key a redemption arc 😭 so more about her relationship and family cuzzz we haven't seen much from her family relationship apart from her step sister 👧🏾 .
Also please correct my grammar and spelling errors cuz it's late and I wanted to update 💔 I'm not amazing writing but I tried😭🤣

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