running it up

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Riot,Aaliyah and I were sat in the back seat of my car whilst ate our musty ass macdonals

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Riot,Aaliyah and I were sat in the back seat of my car whilst ate our musty ass macdonals. "you got a joint? i wanna hot box in tha car" Aaliyah groaned ,
We all sat in our sweaty tank tops and basketball shorts, hair a mess with no make up on. It was a chill afternoon. "Y'all not bout to hotbox in my car n not let me hit it once" i snatched the joint from riot who blew the smoke out in my face. "so yn, how you feelin bout that lil rat guy" liyah sat up comfortably, taking a sip of her sprite. spicy ass sprite, Ik her stomach cooking a storm up in there. "whatcu mean?? He's cool or whatever" the girls giggled as I said that. "girl you know damn well he's not just 'cool or whatever'" I shrugged my shoulders and hit the blunt again, blowing out smoke slowly "I think i like him."
Riot chokes on fucking air as she cheers for me, " finally!! I was getting bored of seein you pretend you wasn't feelin him"

hours later ...

Me and girls went to this random Influencers party along with AMP. For the most part the party was dead asf. But at least some of the niggas there were cute.
Shits was chill until I heard some high pitch voice scream my last name "ayuba, I been said I'd swing on you!!" Here comes little miss 'he's mine he's my man'. Just as I turn round this bitch snuck me, straight to the jaw.

"oh? So that's how we doin shit...

ok bet"

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