How Much I Care

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Prompt Quote: "I don't give a damn."

"You give so many damns, they're visible from SPACE!"

In which Katherine finds out that when Elijah deserted her for his brother, he also got close with a certain pregnant werewolf in the name of protecting his unborn niece or nephew. She, of course, shares this with her blonde bestie Caroline who the baby daddy still has feelings for. The two take out their anger by breaking some things.


It hadn't taken much convincing from Katherine, both of them had heard of demolition rooms and throwing plates almost as a form of emotional therapy. Places that offered a safe room to cause destruction for the sake of your anger. The two girls hadn't wanted to be around people, so they had gotten themselves a huge stack of breakables and holed themselves up in one of Katherine's many safe-houses.

Every plate that hit the wall shattered with a resounding crash. "Stupid! Liar! Traitor!" her chest heaved as she angrily huffed, glaring at the shards on the floor and scratches in the wall from the broken dishes. After a moment she continued vigorously. "Worthless! Untrustworthy! Shallow! Vain!" Each word that followed slowly changed from being about him to being about her. "Monster." She gasped and squeezed her eyes shut, trying to catch her breath and her heart raced uncontrollably. One hand pressed against it as though that would slow it down.

"Woah!" Caroline had stopped dead mid wind up to throw a plate and slowly dropped her arm as she turned to look at the brunette. "Kat-" she paused, "Are you sure you're okay? I thought we were throwing plates for my sanity, you know, since Klaus promised me an epic love but knocked up the wereslut." She reached out to touch Katherine's shoulder and the other girl was almost shaking as she forced herself to stand, a tear rolling down her cheek that she swiftly wiped away with a discreet sniff at Caroline's next question.

"Katherine." she stepped in front of her to make her look into her eyes. She wasn't used to seeing the Katherine Pierce looking like this, looking so hurt and defeated, but humanity changed people. Ever since Elena had force-fed her the cure and she had become human, so much had changed for her. She was almost... vulnerable. "Are you upset about Hayley and Elijah?"

Katherine let out a bitter laugh, "Absolutely not. He left me because of Elena and she was a useless pawn that is supposed to be dead. I don't give a damn about either of them or what they want to do with their lives." Her curls bounced as she shook her head and scoffed in denial.

Caroline snorted, it had gotten easier to understand Katherine once the two of them had really become friends, being roomates could do that to people. "Oh my gosh." she exclaimed, squealing "You do, you totally do! I knew it! I knew you still cared about-"

"Read my lips Forbes." she hissed as she interrupted, getting in the blonde girl's face. "I. Do. Not.Give. A. Singular. Damn. About. Either. Of. Them." She spoke clearly, emphasizing each word as she jabbed a finger at Caroline's chest for each word. Her eyes were narrow as she glared

"I knew it. I so called it." Caroline replied right back, almost laughing in disbelief. "Katherine, you give so many damns about Elijah, they're visible from space! Space!" she threw her hands up. "Does he know?" her question blurted out as soon as she wondered about it. "Does he know how much you care about him? Does he care?" she paused before her final question came out more gentle as she finished speaking, the suited original had always seemed more astute and honor bound than the rest of his family. Caroline had trouble thinking that if Elijah knew how Katherine felt that he'd still be off pursuing whatever the heck he was pursuing with Hayley the wereslut.

"Does anyone?" Her response was biting as she allowed herself to sink into the barstool at the counter next to them, elbow resting on the countertop next to a fresh stack of plates just waiting to be thrown at the wall in a rage.

Caroline stared at her, feeling a mix of shock and hurt. "Me." she said quietly, her voice almost meek, "I care." Pink glossy lips wobbled as she tried to keep a handle on her emotions. "I care a heck of a lot Katherine. I really do, and I don't know what I can do to make you realize that." Her own eyes began to fill with tears and she rushed forward to wrap the human doppelganger in a tight hug. With that, the dam broke and both girls were sobbing together.

"Why am I never enough for him?" she cried, "Why am I such a monster that I destroy every good thing in my life? Have I really always been so unloveable that even as a human he still chose his brother over me?"

"You are enough Kat, you are. You are my best friend and I am so glad we got passed the Elena and Salvatore drama and became friends. And you're not a monster." Caroline promised. "You're a survivor." 

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